Banners and Bubbly

In its usual beautifully bannered splendor, the Wilder Bowl Tent attracted a standing-room crowd of alumni, seniors, and parents to Oberlin's annual Champagne Luncheon Sunday afternoon. Enjoying special recognition was Oberlin Professor Emeritus Andrew Bongiorno '23, who, as Oberlin's oldest returning alumnus, observed his 75th class reunion. "I haven't lost a feel for Oberlin," he said, before retuning home to Kendal at Oberlin.

Class of 1948 President William H. Warren, in his welcome to the soon-to-be graduates, warned that "you can't resign, retire, divorce from Oberlin," and added that there's no evidence that even death will sever the tie.

"Oberlin will influence everything in your life," he said. "Look around you. Here are people who represent a great and continued strength to this college." Proof of that strength and commitment was evident in the presentation of the reunion class gifts--funds, which when combined, totaled nearly twice the reunion classes' overall fundraising goals.

(Editor's note: At press time, reunion gifts were still being received. Final figures will appear in the fall issue of OAM.)

Reunion Gift Committee Chair Gideon Schein '67 shares the reunion class gift results from the 1967-69 cluster.

Class of 1998: $13,200

Classes of 1987, 1988, 1989: $105,486

Class of 1973: $531,826

Classes of 1967, 1968, 1969: $737,509

Classes of 1952, 1953, 1954: $850,531

Class of 1948: $1,286,086

Class of 1943: $6,480,171

Class of 1938: $830,464

Grand Total: $11,932,061