Dr. John E. Petersen
Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology, Director, Environmental Studies
Oberlin College, Lewis Center for Environmental Studies, 122 Elm St., Oberlin,
OH 44074,
Email: john.petersen@oberlin.edu, Phone: (440) 775-6692
Last updated 3/31/12s
Ph.D. (Systems Ecology), University of Maryland at College Park, 1998.
M.F.S. (Forest Hydrology) Yale University, School of Forestry &
Environmental Studies, 1992.
B.A. (Biology), Oberlin College, 1988.
Founding Partner (2004), Chairman of the
Board, Lucid Design Group (www.luciddesigngroup.com).
2009 Winner, National
Wildlife Federation, Campus Solutions to Climate Change Chill-out Award,
Oberlin Light Bulb Brigade
2008 Energy Efficiency Markets, Best Appliance of
the Year Award for Oberlins Dormitory Energy Orb
2007 Winner,
National Wildlife Federation, Campus Solutions to Climate Change Chill-out
2007 Grand Prize Winner, California Clean Tech Open ($50,000
to Lucid Design Group)
2005 U.S. EPA People, Prosperity and the Planet Phase 2
2002 U.S. EPA People, Prosperity and the Planet Phase I
2002 Sigma Xi honor society
1992-1998 U.S. Department of Energy Global Change Fellow (full
tuition & stipend)
1994 Phi Kappa Phi honor society
1992 Elected class commencement speaker, Yale University
School of Forestry class of '92.
1992-1998 Member Research Council of Multiscale Experimental
Ecosystem Research Center
(EPA STAR program, Exploratory Research Center with $1 million/yr budget).
1987 Phi Beta Kappa honor society
Research Interests & Approaches:
Systems ecology, resource use in the built
environment, scale, self-organizing and self-designing systems, feedback
control mechanisms, sustainable systems, ecological design, ecological
engineering, restoration ecology, enclosed experimental ecosystems
(microcosms), environmental education, building monitoring and display systems, simulation modeling
External Grant Awards:
2011 Schmidt Foundation, Transformation of
Social, Physical, and Economic Systems to Achieve
Full Spectrum Sustainability: A Research Agenda for the Oberlin Project Cindy Frantz, J.E. Petersen, Rumi Shammin, $100K (1 year duration)
2008 Great Lakes Protection Fund, Implementing Real-Time Resource Use Feedback to Motivate and Empower Conservation, J.E. Petersen (PI), Cindy Frantz, Stephan Mayer, Rumi Shammin, Naomi Sabel, Michael Murray, Vladislav Shunturov, Gavin Platt, David Sonner, Steve Hoffert, Steve Dupee, Jennifer Mankoff, Charles Herdendorf and Edward Arens. $812K (4 year duration)
2007 National Science Foundation, Development and Dissemination of Computational Science Educational Materials and Curricula at the Undergraduate sub-grant through Capital University to produce educational simulation modeling module, J.E. Petersen, Comparative approaches to modeling infectious disease using spatial and non-spatial modeling. $6K
2006 National Science Foundation, Development and Dissemination of Computational Science Educational Materials and Curricula at the Undergraduate sub-grant through Capital University to produce educational simulation modeling module, J.E. Petersen, Modeling the Performance of a Solar Heated Sunroom:Heat Gain, Storage and Loss. $6K
2005 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency P3 program Phase II funding, J.E. Petersen, C. Frantz, K. Janda, S. Mayer, V. Shunturov*, M. Murray* and G. Platt* Developing and Assessing the Impact of a Socio-Technological Resource-Use Feedback System for Improving the Environmental Performance of Buildings and Institutions. $75K
2004 Ohio Foundation for Independent Colleges, J.E. Petersen, A Visual Feedback System for Improving the Environmental Performance of Buildings and Institutions. $10K
2004 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency P3 program Phase I funding, J.E. Petersen, V. Shunturov*, M. Murray* and G. Platt* A Visual Feedback System for Improving the Environmental Performance of Buildings and Institutions. $10K
2002, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program of US Department of Agriculture. Comparative strategies for the acceleration of wetland restoration on agricultural land. Submitted in collaboration with the Ecological Design Innovation Center and Ohio State University. to support Ohio State Masters student to work with us on developing a research program at the experimental wetlands. $10K
2002, Environmental Protection Agency, Ohio Environmental Education Fund. Restoration ecology and innovations in environmental learning. Grant submitted by Brad Masi. I contributed the research/monitoring section of the grant which included funds to purchase equipment for monitoring experimental restored wetlands at the Jones Farm. $50K
1995, U.S. EPA. Renewal grant to fund the Multiscale Experimental Ecosystem Research Center. I authored Education and Outreach sections of grant. $5 million received for 5 year renewal.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
(Asterisks indicate undergraduate collaborators)
Shammin, M., Petersen, J.E. and Suter, J., 2011. Air‐conditioning a Warming Planet: Analyzing the tradeoffs in policies for climate change. A case on US climate policy and politics for use by environmental educators. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, University at Buffalo, State University of New York. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/projects/cases/ubcase.htm.
Petersen, J.E., V. Shunturov*, K. Janda, G. Platt*, K. Weinberger*. 2007. Combining real-time feedback on resource use with incentives stimulates dormitory residents to reduce electricity consumption. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 8:16-33
Pless, S.D., P.A. Torcellini, and J.E. Petersen. 2006. Energy performance evaluation of a low-energy academic building, ASHRAE Transactions, 112(CH-06-1-4).
Petersen, J.E. and Englund, G. 2005. Dimensional approaches to designing better experimental ecosystems: A practitioners guide with examples. Oecologia. 145:216-224
Petersen, J.E., W.M. Kemp, et al. 2003. Multiscale experiments in coastal ecology: Improving realism and advancing theory. BioScience. 53:1181-1197
Petersen, J.E., London, N. 2003. First in flight, last in wetland restoration? A case study examining the science, economics and politics of wetland development and mitigation for use by environmental educators. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, University at Buffalo, State University of New York. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/projects/cases/ubcase.htm.
Petersen, J.E. 2001. Adding artificial feedback to a simple aquatic ecosystem: The cybernetic nature of ecosystems revisited. Oikos. 94:533-547.
Petersen, J.E. and A. Hastings. 2001. Dimensional approaches to scaling experimental ecosystems: Designing mousetraps to catch elephants. American Naturalist. 157:324-333
Chen, C.-C., J.E. Petersen and W. M. Kemp. 2000. Nutrient uptake in experimental estuarine ecosystems: scaling and partitioning rates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2000:103-116
Petersen J.E., J. C. Cornwell and W.M. Kemp. 1999. Implicit scaling in the design of experimental ecosystems. Oikos 85:3-18.
Petersen, J.E. and C.-C. Chen. 1998. A method for measuring depth-integrated community metabolism in experimental planktonic-benthic ecosystems. Hydrobiologia 391:23-31.
Petersen, J.E., W.M. Kemp and L.P. Sanford. 1998. Coastal plankton responses to turbulent mixing in experimental ecosystems. Marine Ecology Progress Series 171:23-41.
Petersen, J.E., C.-C. Chen and W.M. Kemp. 1997. Spatial scaling of aquatic primary productivity: experiments under nutrient and light-limited conditions. Ecology 78(8):2326-2338.
Chen, C.-C., J.E. Petersen and W.M. Kemp. 1997. Spatial and temporal scaling of periphyton growth on walls of estuarine mesocosms. Marine Ecology Progress Series 155:1-15.
Teal, J.M., B.L. Howes, S.B. Peterson, J.E. Petersen and A. Armstrong. 1994. Nutrient processing in an artificial wetland engineered for high loading: a septage treatment example. Pages 563-573 In W.J. Mitsch, editor. Global Wetlands, Old World and New. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Petersen, J.E., A.E. Haberstock, T.G. Siccama, K.A. Vogt, D.J. Vogt, B.L. Tusting. 1992. Frontiers in synthetic ecology: The making of Biosphere 2. Restoration & Management 10(2):158-168.
Peer Reviewed Books and Book Chapters:
Petersen, J.E. & W.M. Kemp. 2010. Enclosed experimental ecosystems in ocean science. pp. 525-542, In: J.H. Steele (ed.) Marine ecological processes: A derivative of encyclopedia of ocean sciences, 2nd edition. Elsevier. (Invited peer-reviewed chapter)
Petersen, J.E., V.S. Kennedy and W.C. Dennison and W.M. Kemp (Eds). 2009. Experimental ecosystems and scale: Tools for understanding and managing coastal ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New York
Petersen, J.E., W.M. Kemp, V.S. Kennedy and W.C. Dennison. 2009. Introduction and background. Pages 1-38 in Petersen, J.E., V.S. Kennedy and W.C. Dennison and W.M. Kemp (Eds). 2009. Experimental ecosystems and scale: Tools for understanding and managing coastal ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New York (Book section).
Sanford, L., W.M. Kemp, J.E. Petersen, E. Houde, E. Porter, S. Suttles, C. Stevenson, J. Cornwell, and L. Murray. 2009. Designing experimental ecosystem studies. Pages 40-124 in Petersen, J.E., V.S. Kennedy and W.C. Dennison and W.M. Kemp (Eds). 2009. Experimental ecosystems and scale: Tools for understanding and managing coastal ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New York (Book section).
Petersen, J.E., R. Gardner and W.M. Kemp. 2009. Tools for design and analysis of experiments. Pages 126-161 in Petersen, J.E., V.S. Kennedy and W.C. Dennison and W.M. Kemp (Eds). 2009. Experimental ecosystems and scale: Tools for understanding and managing coastal ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New York (Book section).
Gardner, R.H. , W.M. Kemp, V. Kennedy J.E. Petersen (eds). 2001. Scaling relations in experimental ecology. Columbia University Press, Complexity in Ecology Series, New York, NY. (Edited book)
Kemp, W.M., J.E. Petersen and R.H. Gardner. 2001. Scale-dependence and the problem of extrapolation: implications for experimental and natural coastal ecosystems. Pages 3-57 in R.H. Gardner, W.M. Kemp, V. Kennedy and J.E. Petersen, editors. Scaling relations in experimental ecology. Columbia University Press, New York, NY.
King, A.W., R.H. Gardner, J.W. Weins, J.E. Petersen, C. Hatfield. 2001. Terrestrial perspectives on issues of scale. Pages 281-294 in R.H. Gardner, W.M. Kemp, V. Kennedy and J.E. Petersen, editors. Scaling relations in experimental ecology. Columbia University Press, New York, NY.
Petersen, J.E., S. Pultz and L. Vernigard (alphabetical). 1993. Ecological implications. Pages 86-117 In F.H. Bormann et al., editor. Redesigning the American lawn: A search for environmental harmony. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.
Papers Published in Conference Proceedings:
Petersen, J.E., M. Murray*, V. Shunturov*, G. Platt*. 2007. Using buildings to teach environmental stewardship: Real-time display of environmental performance as a mechanism for educating, motivating and empowering the student body. In Proceedings of Greening of the Campus VII, Sept 6-8 2007, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.
Petersen, J.E. 2007. Production and consumption of electricity in Oberlin Colleges Lewis Center for Environmental Studies: Realizing the goal of a net zero building. Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, Cleveland OH
Janda, K, M. Roth*, and J.E. Petersen. 2005. Is more solar always better? Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress August 8-12, Orlando Florida
Petersen, J.E., V. Shunturov*, K. Janda, G. Platt*, K. Weinberger*. 2005. Does providing dormitory residents with feedback on energy and water use lead to reduced consumption? In Proceedings of Greening of the Campus VI, Sept 15 - 17, 2005, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.
Petersen, J.E. 2005. Oberlin College: From zero to 60 on green electricity. In Proceedings of Greening of the Campus VI, Sept 15 - 17, 2005, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.
Murray*, M., and J.E. Petersen. 2004. Payback in currencies of energy, carbon dioxide and money for a 60 KW Photovoltaic array. Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society, Portland OR, p. 431-437
Papers Published in Professional and Popular Venues:
Petersen, J.E. 2011. Early Adopter. High Performance Buildings. Winter 2011: 20-35
Petersen, J.E. June 2008. A Green Curriculum Involves Everyone on the Campus. Chronicle of Higher Education
Petersen, J.E. 2006. Definitive data: Choosing a performance monitoring and display system to maximize the value of your green building. Environmental Design and Construction, May issue
Petersen, J.E. 2003. Judging the Success of the Environmental Studies Center. Oberlin Alumni Magazine 98(1)
Petersen, J.E. 1993. An exodus of elephant drivers. Journal of Forestry 91(3):12-14.
Petersen, J.E. 1992. Alienation and ecotechnology: an ecologically designed landscape. Annals of Earth 10(2):16-18.
Select Talks and Posters at Professional Meetings and
Petersen, J.E., C. Frantz, A. deCoriolis. 2011. Campus Conservation Nationals: Lessons learned by competing to reduce dormitory water and electricity use. Talk at Behavior Energy and Climate Change meeting, November 30-December 2, Washington, DC.
Petersen, J.E., C. Frantz, A. deCoriolis. 2011. Campus Conservation Nationals: Lessons learned by competing to reduce dormitory water and electricity use. Talk at Behavior Energy and Climate Change meeting, November 30-December 2, Washington, DC.
Frantz, C., J.E. Petersen, S. Mayer, R. Shammin and H. Bent.. 2011. Conveying real-time feedback on resource use through empathetic gauges. Talk at Behavior Energy and Climate Change meeting, November 30-December 2, Washington, DC.
Petersen, J.E., C. Frantz, A. deCoriolis. 2011. Campus Conservation Nationals: Lessons learned by competing to reduce dormitory water and electricity use. Talk and session at Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, October 9-12, Pittsburgh, PA
Petersen, J.E. 2011. Using real-time feedback to engage, educate, motivate & empower conservation in the built environment. Symposium Presentation at Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Annual Meeting, June 23-26, Burlington, VT.
Petersen, J.E. 2011. Using real-time feedback to engage, educate, motivate & empower conservation in the built environment. Invited talk at MIT Annual Energy Conference: Confronting Limits with Fact-Based Analysis, March 4-5, Cambridge, MA.
Petersen, J.E., C. Frantz, S. Mayer, R. Shammin and H. Bent. 2010. Exploring best practices for real time consumer-facing feedback on energy use Organized Session at Behavior Energy and Climate Change meeting, November 14-17, Sacramento, CA. (Authors proposed and organized this session).
Petersen, J.E., C. Frantz, S. Mayer, R. Shammin and H. Bent. 2010. Exploring best practices for real time consumer-facing feedback on energy use Organized Session at Behavior Energy and Climate Change meeting, November 14-17, Sacramento, CA. (Authors proposed and organized this session).
Petersen, J.E., C. Frantz, S. Mayer, R. Shammin and H. Bent. 2010. Electricity conservation in response to real-time feedback and competition: Quantifying relationships between attitude, emotion, knowledge and behavior. Talk at Behavior Energy and Climate Change meeting, November 14-17, Sacramento, CA.
Frantz, C., J.E. Petersen, S. Mayer, R. Shammin and H. Bent.. 2010. How do context and form of real-time feedback on electricity and water use prime and affect consumer response? Talk at Behavior Energy and Climate Change meeting, November 14-17, Sacramento, CA
Petersen, J.E. and C. Frantz. 2009. Employing multiple modes and scales of real-time feedback to engage, educate, motivate and empower electricity and water conservation. Talk at Behavior Energy and Climate Change meeting, November 15-18, Washington DC.
Petersen, J.E. 2008. Buildings as ecological systems: Using real-time resource use feedback to foster understanding and to stimulate conservation. Invited talk Marine Biological Lab. November 2508, Falmouth, MA.
Petersen, J.E., M. Murray*, G. Platt. 2008. Fostering a community of environmental stewards by using real-time displays of building performance. Invited talk and session at U.S. Green Building Councils Green Build 08, November 20 Boston, MA.
Petersen, J.E., A. Totoiu* and G. Platt*. 2008. Can real-time dashboard displays of resource use in buildings and across campus facilities be used to build a community and culture of stewardship? Talk and session at Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education 08, October 11 Raleigh, NC.
Braziunas, K*, J.E. Petersen, C. Frantz and R. Shammin. 2008. Compact fluorescent light bulb exchange programs as a potentially cost effective and socially beneficial approach to offsetting carbon emissions locally. Talk Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education 08, October 11 Raleigh, NC.
Petersen, J.E., M. Murray*, V. Shunturov*, G. Platt*. 2007. Using buildings to teach environmental stewardship: Real-time display of environmental performance as a mechanism for educating, motivating and empowering the student body. Organized session: Pedagogy of the Campus Experience: Using Campus Buildings and Landscapes to Convey Lessons of Environmental Stewardship. Greening of the Campus VII, Ball State University. September 6-8, Muncie, Indiana.
Petersen, J.E. 2007. Facilities Management as an integral component of the curriculum. Invited talk, Ecosystem Services and Urban Design Conference, April 26, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Petersen, J.E. 2007. Using real-time feedback on energy and water consumption to engage, educate, motivate and empower environmental stewardship in the student body. Invited talk, NoName conference (This is actually the name of a well-attended annual national conference of college facilities managers), May 26, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Petersen, J.E. 2007. Buildings as ecological systems: Monitoring and analyzing energy flows, material cycles, feedback control and the developmental trajectory of the Lewis Center for Environmental Studies at Oberlin College. Session talk. 92s Annual Meeting Ecological Society of America: Ecological Restoration in a Changing World. August 5-10, San Jose, California.
Petersen, J.E. 2007. Using real-time feedback on the environmental performance of buildings to engage, educate, motivate and empower stewardship. Invited talk at Cleveland Engineering Society 1st Annual Fall Engineering Extravaganza: Engineering a Sustainable Future, October 3 Westlake Ohio.
Petersen, J.E. 2007. Facilities Management as an integral component of the curriculum. Invited talk, Ecosystem Services and Urban Design Conference, April 26, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Petersen, J.E. 2007. Using real-time feedback on energy and water consumption to engage, educate, motivate and empower environmental stewardship in the student body. Invited talk, NoName conference (This is actually the name of a well-attended annual national conference of college facilities managers), May 26, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio.
Petersen, J.E. 2007. Buildings as ecological systems: Monitoring and analyzing energy flows, material cycles, feedback control and the developmental trajectory of the Lewis Center for Environmental Studies at Oberlin College. Session talk. 92s Annual Meeting Ecological Society of America: Ecological Restoration in a Changing World. August 5-10, San Jose, California.
Grossman*, J.J. and J.E. Petersen. 2007. Three Years after Construction, Alternative Planting and Management Strategies in Experimental Marshes Induce Differences in Biodiversity and Heterogeneity, but not in Function. Poster. 92stAnnual Meeting Ecological Society of America: Ecological Restoration in a Changing World. August 5-10, San Jose, California.
Petersen, J.E. 2007. Production and consumption of electricity in Oberlin Colleges Lewis Center for Environmental Studies: Realizing the goal of a net zero building. Session talk. Annual meeting American Solar Energy Society (ASES). July 7-12, Cleveland Ohio.
Petersen, J.E. 2007. The role of real-time energy data monitoring and online data display in education. Invited talk in Forum on the Importance of demonstration projects in providing education and awareness of renewable energy to the public. Annual meeting American Solar Energy Society (ASES). July 7-12, Cleveland Ohio.
Petersen, J.E., M. Murray*, V. Shunturov*, G. Platt*. 2006. Designing real-time displays of energy and material use to create smart people in environmentally dumb buildings: Architecture, pedagogy and the ecology of buildings. The Role of Higher Education in Creating a Sustainable World. Annual meeting Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). October 4-6, Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona.
Petersen, J.E. 2006. The ecology and pedagogy of buildings: The effects of real-time information feedback on the environmental performance of buildings and building occupants. Session talk. 91st Annual Meeting Ecological Society of America: Icons and Upstarts in Ecology. August 6-11, Memphis, Tennessee.
Petersen, J.E. 2006. Creating smart students in environmentally dumb buildings: The role of real-time resource use feedback in fostering stewardship. Invited presentation for Sustainability in Campus Design: Greening our Universities and Colleges. Sponsored by Columbus Green Building Coalition. May 31, Columbus Ohio.
Petersen, J.E., V. Shunturov*, K. Janda, G. Platt*, K. Weinberger*. 2005. Does providing dormitory residents with feedback on energy and water use lead to reduced consumption? Greening of the Campus VI. September 15 - 17, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.
Petersen, J.E. 2005. Oberlin College: From zero to 60 on green electricity. Greening of the Campus VI. September 15 - 17, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.
Murray*, M. and J.E. Petersen. 2004. Calculating payback in currencies of energy, carbon dioxide and money for a 60 kW roof mounted photovoltaic array. Session talk: Annual meeting American Solar Energy Society (ASES). July 9-14, Portland, Oregon.
Petersen, J.E. 2003. Adding artificial feedback to a planktonic ecosystem: Complex interactions in simple systems. Invited talk. Great Lakes College Association, Complex Systems Studies, February 21-22, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Petersen, J.E., L. Schromen-Wawrin*, W.M. Kemp. 2003. Water exchange, nutrients and top-down vs. bottom-up limitation of plankton: Mesocosm and modeling studies. Session talk: Annual Meeting Ecological Society of America. August 3-8, Savannah, Georgia.
Petersen, J.E., M. Murray*, A. Maly*. February, 2003. The Lewis Center for Environmental Studies: Buildings as ecological systems. Invited talk: University of Maryland, Appalachian Environmental Lab. February Frostburg Maryland.
Taub, F.B, J.E. Petersen, W. M. Kemp and D. Hinkle, Sept. 2003. Poster: Oxygen dynamics in estuarine mesocosms: Net photosynthesis and night-time respiration. Estuarine Research Federation Conference (17th), Seattle, WA.
Taub, F.B, J.E. Petersen, W.M. Kemp, and D. Hinkle. 2002. Photosynthesis and respiration interactions in aquatic ecosystems. Session Talk, VIII International Congress of Ecology. August, Seoul, Korea.
Taub, F.B, J.E. Petersen, W. M. Kemp and D. Hinkle. 2002. Poster: Community metabolism: Properties of scale (size/shape) and data analyses. Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research. January, Vancouver, Canada.
Kemp, W. M. and J.E. Petersen. November, 2001. Scaling relationships in natural and experimental coastal ecosystems. Plenary talk: Estuarine Research Federation of America meeting in St. Pete Beach Florida.
Petersen, J.E. and W. M. Kemp. 2001. Multiscale experiments in estuarine research: Improving realism and advancing theory. Plenary talk: Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Madison Wisconsin.
Petersen, J.E. and W.M. Kemp. 1999. Effects of physical scale on mean properties and on variance in experimental planktonic ecosystems. Oral presentation: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography annual meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Petersen, J.E. 1999. Catching elephants with mousetraps: The Multiscale Experimental Ecosystem Research Center. Invited talk: Center for Population Biology, Silwood Park, England
Petersen, J.E., C.-C. Chen and W.M. Kemp. 1998. Effects of light intensity on the development of experimental planktonic-benthic ecosystems. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America. August, Baltimore, Maryland.
Petersen, J.E. and W.M. Kemp. 1998. Scaling experimental ecosystems to match nature: application of dimensional approaches. Oral presentation: International Congress of Ecology. Florence, Italy.
Kemp, W.M., E.M. Smith and J.E. Petersen. 1998. Photic depth, production/respiration ratios, and trophic transfer in aquatic ecosystems. Poster: Joint Meeting of American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and the Ecological Society of America, St. Louis, Missouri.
Petersen, J.E., W.M. Kemp and L.P. Sanford. 1997. Turbulent mixing effects on benthic-pelagic ecosystems. Oral presentation: Estuarine Research Federation meeting, Providence, Rhode Island.
Petersen, J.E. 1996. Effects of physical scale and exchange on ecosystem development in estuarine mesocosms. Invited talk and poster: U.S. Department of Energy Fellowship for Global Change Program Forum for integrating multidisciplinary research to advance the science of global change. Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Petersen, J.E. 1996. Adding artificial feedback to a simple aquatic ecosystem: the cybernetic nature of ecosystems revisited. Contributed Session: Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of America. August, Providence, Rhode Island.
Petersen, J.E., J. Cornwell and W.M. Kemp. 1995. Implicit and explicit scaling in experimental aquatic ecosystems: A quantitative review of the literature. Contributed Session: Annual Meeting Ecological Society of America. August, Snowbird, Utah.
Petersen, J.E. and W.M. Kemp. 1995. Scaling biological, material and energetic inputs to experimental benthic-pelagic ecosystems. Contributed Session: Annual Meeting Estuarine Research Federation. Corpus Christi, Texas.
Professional Memberships:
2002-American Solar Energy Society
1994- Ecological Society of America
1993- Estuarine Research Federation
1993- American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
1992- Society of American Foresters
1991- Society for Ecological Restoration