Much of the theoretical discussion about the Internet focuses on the issues of narrative and representation.

To put it simply, the Web affords us (at least in theory) an open space to represent ourselves or whatever topic we choose. In the context of recent wars over the politics of representation, this is no small claim to make. It also provides a great deal more freedom in the manner in which we convey information, a feature which wins the medium a lot of points in a time when "narrativity" has been dragged under the theoretical microscope.

Aside from being touchstones of recent debate, narrative and representation are ideas that have resonance in the context of 1930s cultural projects. I guess I'd say that these two themes are interpretive tools I brought to my analysis of the Federal Writers' Project and Farm Security Administration photography. While I can't go into that assertion in detail here, because that's what the whole project is about, I hope you find this answer suggestive about the potential synergy between the substance, analytical methodology, and form of this site.

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I also think that there are concrete reasons why history works well in hypertext.

Are you wondering what kind of history web site this is, anyway?


Juliet Gorman, May 2001