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SEPTEMBER 6, 2001--The Mobilivre-Bookmobile project, a 1959 Airstream Overlander filled with artist books, zines and independent publications, will roll into Oberlin Monday, September 10. Coordinated in part by two Oberlin graduates--Ginger Brooks Takahashi '99 and Fereshteh Toosi '98--the bookmobile project was started to create a network for artistic communities and to bring examples of independent media to people who might not otherwise have access to the alternative publications.

At each stop the coordinators will host bookbinding and zine-making workshops, artist talks and educational forums about independent media. All of the workshops will be free and open to the public.

On Monday, September 10, Takashi and Toosi will open the Bookmobile to the public with a bookbinding workshop from 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. outside of the Oberlin Public Library. After the workshop, the bookmobile will be parked on Main Street (between College and Vine) and open to visitors. On Tuesday, September 16, the Bookmobile will be open to the public at the Main Street location from 11 A.M.-6 P.M.

The Bookmobile will travel as far north as Montreal and as far south as Los Angeles. Along the way it will visit community centers, schools, artist-run centers, festivals, correctional facilities and areas that do not have extensive access to books.


Media Contact: Alex Pfeifer


