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MAY 9, 2002--A juried show of outstanding Oberlin College student art will be on view in a special three-day exhibition at the Oberlin College Gallery & Performance Space at Here Here in downtown Cleveland this month.

"The art was chosen by the College's art faculty to clearly represent not only the high quality of work but also the breadth of the approaches that art making takes at Oberlin," says Nanette Yannuzzi Macias, associate professor of art.

Some 75 works in a variety of genres ranging from artists' books and photography to videos and paintings by the art students, many of them graduating seniors, will be shown from 3 P.M. to 8 P.M. Friday, May 24th through Monday, May 27th at the gallery, located at 1305 Euclid Avenue.

The event is free and open to the public. The exhibition is part of Oberlin's annual commencement/reunion weekend. Transportation for Oberlin students, families and alumni to the Oberlin College Gallery will be available Friday and Saturday at 5:15 P.M. at the Allen Memorial Art Museum on North Main St.

To create a formal association between Oberlin College and the Cleveland arts community, the downtown site was secured last May and has since been renamed Oberlin College Gallery & Performance Space at Here Here.

The gallery regularly presents art exhibitions by such widely-known Oberlin faculty artists as John Pearson and Johnny Coleman; screenings by experimental video artists; art and performance installations drawn from innovative courses, such as this spring's "Ritual and Performance of the Yoruba and their New World Descendants" colloquia; and cutting-edge dance and music concerts by faculty and students from the College and the Conservatory of Music.

Oberlin's commencement weekend also will include free, public symposia on contemporary issues, campus tours, concerts, recitals, theatrical performances and tours of the town's perennial gardens and historic homes. A complete schedule may be obtained from the Oberlin Alumni Association.

Speaking at the 9:30 A.M. commencement ceremony on May 27 will be "Cancer Warrior" Dr. Judah Folkman, who pioneered the concept of starving cancerous tumors of their blood supply. In so doing he developed angiogenesis (the formation of blood vessels), an arm of biology that has become a major front in the war on cancer.

Receiving honorary degrees at the event will be Robert Conrad, co-founder and president of WCLV, Cleveland's classical music, composer and conductor Tania Leon and international relations theorist Kenneth Waltz '48.


Media Contact: Betty Gabrielli


