FIELD, a twice-yearly journal, aims to publish the very best of contemporary poetry and poetics.
The final issue of FIELD is a celebratory collection of the present and the past. It begins with new work by Heather Christle, Erin Malone, Susan Rich, Angie Estes, Alicia Rebecca Myers, Ute von Funcke (translated by Stuart Friebert), Mark Neely, Susan Grimm, Laura Judge, Benjamin Naka-Hasebe Kingsley, Jean Valentine, Carol Moldaw, Kate Partridge, Per Aage Brandt (translated by Thom Satterlee), Sandra McPherson, Margaret Ray, and others. The second half of the issue presents fifty poems representing our entire fifty-year history, including work by Margaret Atwood, Linda Bierds, Robert Bly, Billy Collins, Rita Dove, Russell Edson, Michael S. Harper, Laura Jensen, Philip Levine, Thomas Lux, Adrienne Rich, William Stafford, Gerald Stern, Mark Strand, C. D. Wright, and Charles Wright. You won't want to miss it.
Ask for the new issue in your local bookstore,
or contact us to order one!
AMERICAN ALPHABETS: 25 Contemporary Poets
A major anthology of recent American poetry, featuring generous selections of the work of 25 extraordinary poets born since World War II, with thoughtful introductions and annotations. In language of striking originality and beauty, these poets illuminate the complexities of contemporary life and chart the contours of the American landscape.
Agha Shahid Ali, Pamela Alexander, Bruce Beasley, Robin Behn, Linda Bierds, Marianne Boruch, Mark Doty, Rita Dove, Norman Dubie, Beckian Fritz Goldberg, Linda Gregerson, Bob Hicok, Yusef Komunyakaa, Larry Levis, Thomas Lux, Carol Muske-Dukes, Carl Phillips, Mary Ruefle, David St. John, Susan Stewart, Arthur Sze, Lee Upton, Bruce Weigl, C. D. Wright, Franz Wright