Mechanics > Properties of Matter > Hooke's Law DCS# 1R10.10


mass on a spring

laptop w/ LoggerPro, "Hooke's Law" expt file 206
interface box 113
motion sensor 101-05-B1
force sensor 101-05-B2
cage 101-05-A6
spring 101-05-B4
50-g weight hanger 101-05-D1
several 20 g masses 101-05-C

Use computer and sensors to plot force on sensor vs. position of mass.  Spring constant can be determined from slope and used to predict the oscillation frequency.


Use cage to protect motion sensor from falling masses.

Zero force and motion sensors with unloaded weight hanger in place just before collecting data.

Check that force sensor # agrees with calibration file.

Enter room temperature under Calibrate/Details.
Experiment file is set up so that downward displacements and forces are positive.  Data collection mode is "events upon entry" (set under experiment|sampling) so that one can change the mass, allow the system to settle, hit enter and the data point is stored.

force vs displacement graph