Modern Physics > Atomic Physics DCS# 7B10.10


spectral tubes

5000 V spectral tube power supply 101-08-B
spectral tube holder 202-21-C
gas tubes: H, He, Hg, Ne
set of diffraction gratings 202-21-E5
outlet strip with switch 202-02-E6

Distribute diffraction gratings to students.  Turn dial at end of tube holder to connect different spectral tubes to the power supply.
There is a wall chart available showing the spectra of various elements .  This java applet shows simulated line spectra:

Compare line spectra of the gas tubes with the continuous spectrum from an incandescent lamp or that of the fluorescent lights overhead.

Argon, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, and sodium spectrum tubes are also available.

Insert plexiglas rod with metal ends into power supply.  Plug power supply into outlet strip, since power supply has no switch.  Connect frame of tube holder to ground on outlet strip.