Modern Physics > Atomic Physics DCS# 7B20.15



sodium lamp 101-08-A
big electromagnet and power supply 218
variac 202-08-H
converging lens or projection lens 113-01-A
ground glass screen 113-01-A
salt 202-02-A

With no magnetic field, the sodium flame aborbs light from the sodium lamp and the image on the screen is of a dark flame in the yellow background from the lamp.  As the field strength is increased to several kilogauss, absorption lines shift and shadow brightens, disappearing into the background.

Sodium flame is produced by salt on rim of propane torch, or salt chunks inside rim.
Propane torch must be securely clamped so it does not move in the magnetic field.
Place polaroid with its axis vertical in front of sodium lamp.
Set variac to minimum voltage necessary for sodium lamp (~ 50 V) to reduce line-broadening.
Turn on cooling water before turning on power supply for electromagnet.  Turn power supply up to 50 A for sufficient shift in absorption spectrum of flame.