Oscillations and Waves > Waves > Interference and Diffraction DCS# 3B50.20


ripple tank 202-17-B
wave generator 202-17-E1
power supply 202-08-D
overhead projector 200

Two point sources tap the surface of the water in the tank, producing an interference pattern that can be projected on the screen.  Vary the voltage to adjust the frequency.

There are four holes for the probes.  The two on either end are in phase with each other.  Use the two middle holes for sources 180 degrees out of phase.

Fill the tank to about half-way up the beveled side.  Wet the water line with liquid soap to reduce reflections.

The wave generator is pretty lame.  The Physics Cinema Classics laser disk and the Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations have video clips that show this better.  So do the following java applets:

