Name: Lincoln “Chester” Guthrie

Eons ago, the universe was dark, cold, and unforgiving. The Ancient Ones ruled over all that was. Their unmatched skill, power, and strength provided all that was needed to control the very fabric of space and time around them. Nothing was unknown to them. Every little happenstance, every single minute event did not go unnoticed by these supreme beings. Omniscient and immortal, their mere presence would crush the very souls of the men that blindly wander through their pathetic existence today. Eventually a schism within the Ancient Ones broke them apart. Time did as it had always done. The Ancient Ones became restless. Some, with their undeniable power, saw the universe as bleak and useless. They wanted to tear the universe in twain in the hopes of finding some excitement in their otherwise boring lives. Others saw potential in the budding world around them and took a positive, though cruel, outlook. They believed the universe could provide them with toys and playthings, if they simply spent time creating, instead of constantly destroying. Besides, as they had said, it would be fun obliterating what the playthings create. Neither side would concede. Why would an Ancient One comply or compromise? Each was as powerful as the other, and each, with a solipsistic mindset that comes along with complete dominance, could shape the universe to their own whim, as long as the others were out of the picture. With no resolution in sight, the inevitable end came. A battle was to be waged. No war, for only one battle was needed to decide an Ancient Ones fate. When the very forces of the universe could be flung about with such finesse and ease, there was no need for preparation, strategy, or occupation, the tactics of the weak and cowardly. It is ridiculous to even think that a first blow was thrown, for each Ancient One knew all, so rather than any instigation, an electrical pulse (but obviously not a literal electrical pulse, for even that does not match the speed) flew into the Ancient Ones' minds that told them it was time. They all charged at the same moment. The fury was awesome. Their bodies fused as one mass of raw, impossible power and beauty. Lincoln Guthrie is born in Chicago, Illinois. He has blond hair, blue eyes, likes to run and play ultimate. Lincoln is a freshman and is currently looking into Chemistry and English. He has no nickname to describe him. BUT WHAT NAME COULD?!? -fin-