<< Front page Commentary November 14, 2004
County rope course with a swing
To the Editors:

New to Lorain County is a ropes course for women survivors of sexual assault, substance abuse, homelessness, underemployment and single parenthood.

Please join the “Adventure Challenge Experience,” which provides women with an opportunity to discover personal and group strengths, leadership and communication skills, trust in oneself and others, climbing skills and personal growth in a supportive environment.

Learning activities take place on man-made spiders. The spiders are comprised of web aircraft carrier cables and are suspended between two and a half feet and 30 feet above the ground.

There are also several beams which swing 25 feet above the floor and act as a vertical playpen for those wishing to learn how to leap for a trapeze.

This program runs for six Mondays, 6 to 7:30 p.m., starting Nov. 24.

Contact Laurie Carlberg to register and to find out more information at lcarlber@lorainccc.edu. Some funding is available.

–Lori Flood
Director of Health Education


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