<< Front page Commentary February 20, 2004

Evans’ PB and J is confused

To the Editors:

The recent comments of Walker Evans regarding the quadrennial D.C. nuptials between a white man and a white house are entirely off the beaten track.

What Mr. Evans fails to address is the percent volume of alcohol in Fermat’s last theorem.

Unbeknownst to many, Fermat was a great afficionado of so called “leet-speak” and had in fact been known to remark “D00dx0Rz, xˆnxorz + yˆnxorz = zˆnxorz.”

Similarly, the fleet which has already sailed from Omaha will soon be anointed the Queen of England, and the lord of all that it surveys.

Mr. Evans is obviously confused in regards to the gentlemanly pursuit of peanut-butter and jelly electorate vote.

—Joe Kimmel
Double-degree junior


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