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Ture lays out philosophy of Pan-Africanism

Third World House sponsored Ture's 8 p.m. speech on "Pan-Africanism and Humanity." The following are excerpts from his speech and the question-and-answer session which followed.

On Pan-Africanism:
"Pan-Africanism is going to be achieved. Of that there is no question… I know that Africa will unite before Europe. European leaders say they're against unity because it will destroy industry. ... Most African leaders are pigs. . . but no [leader] could ever say they were against unity, because the love of the masses for this unity is so strong ... I have never heard a song about Europe, but there are hundreds of thousands about Africa, not one part ... Diasporans don't know exactly where they come from."

"Unity is an evolutionary process, from the family to the tribe to the clan to the nation. [In Africa] this process was thwarted by colonialism and slavery ... Since it was stopped, unity can only be achieved by revolution, by destroying capitalism."

"Our party needs people who love their people ... not for a few days, but for eternity."

"Africa is the richest continent on earth, and it will be the most powerful."

"African students should be first leading the struggle for honest learning. You have a double struggle. You must teach the unconscious, illiterate masses about Africa ... make them proud of being African."

"Power oppresses us. We need power to be free."

On activism:
"Money can't buy the love of people, or the confidence of people; only working for the people can do that."

"The struggle for humanity is every human being's struggle. Otherwise, you are against it."

On revolution:
"Every action has a reason. Conscious people try to understand the reasons. Revolutionaries try to affect action. I am a revolutionary."

"Truth with a capital `T' is the only weapon of revolutionaries...truth will smash a thousand lies."

"Once you volunteer to fight, you must do it for life."

"There is no compromise where principals are concerned. Only in strategy is there compromise."

"We don't like bloodshed, but when bloodshed is called for...[there is] something more important than life-human dignity. If we have to shed blood to advance humanity, no problem. I'm willing to give my life for the struggle."

"In this country the right wing is closer to revolution than the left."

On Socialism:
"Stop all this nonsense about individuals...unless you help others, you can't help yourself."

"Knowledge belongs to the people, not the individual."

"Capitalism lies all of the time. When it tells the truth, it's a double lie."

"No system can be destroyed. Judge [Socialism] by its principals, not its adherents."

In response to a student question concerning the antagonism between Africans and diasporans:
"You must know that you are African."

In response to senior Ben Temchine's question about nationalism and separatism:
"What you're doing must be in the direction of helping humanity. Separatism is defined as helping your own at the expense of others. That is capitalist thinking, not nationalist, where the nation is more important than you."

In response to junior Michael Brown's question about how minorities in the intelligentsia can give back to their people from within the system:
"Sell your labor to capitalism, not your soul. Give your soul to your people."


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 18; March 15, 1996

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