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One student expelled, another suspended for disturbing peace

by Michelle Becker

An appeal by two juniors accused of public drunkenness and disturbing the peace on campus was heard by the Community Board Thursday evening. The students, Matt Holford and Josh Robinson, hoped to overturn the punishments recommended by Dean of Student Life and Service Charlene Cole-Newkirk.

Early Wednesday morning, Holford and Robinson were found drunk in South Hall by Security. They were accused of making prank phone calls earlier that morning to Resident Coordinators (RC) and knocking over an item in a South Hall lounge.

According to sources, Holford and Robinson were sent a letter by Cole-Newkirk later Thursday morning stating that they had been dismissed and suspended, respectively, by the College. Robinson's suspension is for an indefinite period of time.

The community board will respond to the hearing today, determining whether actions taken by Cole-Newkirk were out of order and should be overturned.

Robinson had no prior record of any crimes. Student Senators Chapin Beninghoff, a college senior, and Josh Kaye, a college first-year, are concerned that Robinson was punished more severely than other students who are found to be intoxicated because he is a close acquaintance with Holford.

"That Dean Cole-Newkirk believes that she has the moral authority to indefinitely suspend a student with no previous disciplinary problems is shocking," Beninghoff said. "Josh's real sin was being friends with Matt. Anyone who doesn't publicly differ with Cole-Newkirk would have gotten a slap on the wrist."

Kaye said, "If you take a look at what Residential Life does on a day to day basis and look at its history in the past 20 years, this is a glaring sore thumb." He also said that he felt Robinson's case is "unprecedented and unusual." Cole-Newkirk and Director of Security Joe DiChristina said they could not comment because of concern for student privacy. Community Board members are not allowed to comment on the appeal.


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 22; April 26, 1996

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