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Quarter beers are safe

by Amy Kremen

Don't fret, quarter beers are here to stay - "In its 12 years of existence, we've never considered ending or spoken about ending it," said Assistant Director of the Student Union Chris Baymiller. "I'm the one that started [quarter beers]; as far as I know it'll be business as usual," Baymiller said.

Quarter Beer Night at the 'Sco is a weekly event; every Tuesday drafts of Busch Light cost $.25.

Rumors have been circulating that Dean of Student Life and Services Charlene Cole-Newkirk's proposal to make the 'Sco free except for special events and concerts might have actually been a side-handed attempt to get rid of quarter beers as part of an administrative crackdown on substance use. The rationale behind this report was that, with free admittance, the 'Sco would have to eliminate quarter beers in order to cover costs.

"Excessive drinking at quarter beers has never been a problem," Baymiller said, mentioning that any related administrative desires to end the event "have never been brought up, never been discussed."

The 'Sco has always run its operations from the money taken in at the door and at the bar counter instead of using college money. Cole-Newkirk's proposal to allocate Student Finance Committee funds in order to make the 'Sco free of charge would not affect the manner in which labor, maintenance and beverage costs are currently handled. "It's funny how rumors get started," Cole-Newkirk said, "I was just trying to do something nice."


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 22; April 26, 1996

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