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Too much on crowd, not enough on band

To the Editor:

We are writing in response to Alexandra Chenitz's article, "Indie Rock Concert Proves Label and Image Don't Define a Band" (Review, May 3, 1996). Two pages probably weren't necessary to teach the "don't judge a book by its cover" lesson. Instead of information on the type of students in the crowd, we would have liked info on the bands that played. At least you could have mentioned that John McEntire (of The Sea and Cake and Tortoise) is a former Oberlin student and now an up and coming music producer. You also failed to tell us anything about the history and releases of the band. You devoted little of your article to how the bands performed - In fact, it seems that most of your attention was placed on the "avant garde-indie crowd" instead of Tortoise, The Sea and Cake and Five Style.

- Diana Valk (College junior)
- Anna Grady (College junior)

Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 24; May 10, 1996

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