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Committee spots measure of respect

We want to be treated as adults. We want to be trusted. We want to be respected. Removing students from the Academic Standing Committee says to us, "You're just a kid who can't be trusted not to spread private information. You're not respected."

This is a matter of principle. The students on the committee actually make very little difference in the process. There are two meetings a year, one in January (Winter Term), one in June (summer break). Not surprisingly, there is a student present at only half the meetings.

Whether or not students actually participate in the Academic Standing Committee, they still retain the right to be involved in decisions affecting the student body.

The reason given for removing the students, that the committee deals with sensitive information, is completely patronizing. We know that it is improper and unprofessional to spread sensitive information. It is insulting for the administration to suddenly step in and say that students can't be trusted.

We are adults. We can be trusted. We demand the respect that entails.

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Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 24; May 10, 1996

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