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College makes decision on wetland sale

by Susanna Henighan

The College decided on Monday not to sell 30 acres of farmland that was bid on recently by two groups, according to Vice President of Operations Donna Raynsford.

The land is currently being leased to a farmer who made a bid to buy the land. A group of community members made a counter-bid to oppose the chance that the farmer would buy the land. Local environmentalists speculated that the farmland, which is currently being returned to its natural wetland state, was going to be developed if it was sold.

Raynsford said that the adminstration weighed the options and chose what they felt was the best one. "We considered the options and everyone's input and it was clear to us that that was the best decision," Raynsford said.

The land will continue to be leased from the College by the same farmer and when the lease runs out the administration will reevalute it as it does all leases.


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 124, Number 24a; May 10, 1996

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