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Fussers print date uncertain

The publication date of Fussers, the College's annually published phone directory, is yet unknown according to Lois Gaines of the Calendar Events Department.

"We have to wait for all students to register before publication can begin," Gaines.said.

Until Fussers is published, phone numbers can only be obtained through the Wilder information desk, or by calling campus information by dialing zero during office hours.

Junior Kate Chilson, a member of the information desk staff, estimates Wilder has been receiving about 75 calls a day. "It doesn't really bother me," Chilson said. "It's kind of annoying because you've got other things to do, like help people standing in front of you."

First-year Stephanie Watts said she is anticipating the day when her copy of "Fussers" arrives. "It will be really great to have everybody's phone number at my fingertips," Watts said.

"There's no other way to get people's phone numbers and other information," fifth-year student Leon Rothenberg said.

-David Wright

Security plans safety walk

The Department of Security wants students to take a hike.

Director of Safety and Security Keith James will conduct a Lighting Walk next week to assess existing lighting conditions and identify areas that need more lighting. The guided walk will begin and end at Philips Gym Sept. 26 at 9 p.m.

-Hanna Miller


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 125, Number 3; September 20, 1996

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