November 1, 1996 Contents back

November 1, 1996
Volume 125, Number 7

Arts Sports

Ghost stories bring scoffs and silence A typical Arts weekend at Oberlin One day, two sports, two scores
A number of Oberlin buildings are said to be inhabited by specters and ghosts. Some residents are too spooked to even discuss the possible phantoms. Non-conformity is the rule this weekend with Rhinocerous by Ionesco featured in the Little Theater and the bizarre Meet the Feebles to be shown in Kettering. College junior Sam Krasnow, a soccer captain, is now kicking for the football team. In five attempts, he's hit four extra points.

Quote of the Week

It's easier if you just don't let people know.

-Anonymous Conservatory Student
On being a Republican

Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 125, Number 7; November 1

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