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After historic election, SLC needs mission

by Sara Foss

Dean of Student Life and Services Charlene Cole-Newkirk met with the General Faculty Council (GFC) to discuss the Student Life Committee's (SLC) lack of a clear mission.

This fall, for the first time in College history, the SLC consented to be governed by co-chairs. Professor of Politics Chris Howell and junior Chapin Benninghoff were elected as interim co-chairs, an event that marked the first time a student has co-chaired a faculty committee.

The GFC reached no conclusions, said Acting Dean of the College Clayton Koppes, other than that it's a good idea to reexamine SLC.

Cole-Newkirk said different people have different ideas about what the purpose of the SLC is. Some think it should consider the hot student topics of the day, and others think it should be an advisory committee to Student Life and Services. Cole-Newkirk said she thinks SLC should be an advisory committee and review Student Life on a regular basis.

Traditionally, the SLC has reviewed things that have come out of other committees. "We need to define what the SLC should do," Cole-Newkirk said. "Until we do that we're just spinning our wheels."

Cole-Newkirk said that before SLC decides who should lead it, it should define its mission, which right now is unclear.

Benninghoff said he agrees that the SLC lacks a clear mission. "It doesn't have a specific charge. SLC covers a whole range of things."

He said one of his goals as chair is to leave the committee with a clear mission statement and a way of ensuring continuity from year to year. What the mission is, though, is up to the SLC and GFC to decide, Benninghoff said. "I'm just going to initiate discussion."

Koppes said that the SLC is really a relic from the days of in loco parentis. "Once the in loco parentis days ended, SLC continued to atrophy."

Koppes said that the role of SLC does need to be rethought, but he thinks the SLC can play a very constructive role in helping to shape the future of the college.

Cole-Newkirk said it is hard for her to support a committee on which, as an ex officio member, she has no vote. "It doesn't make sense," Cole Newkirk said. Most ex officio members on other committees have voice and vote.

Cole-Newkirk said she also addressed the GFC about the difficulty she's had getting faculty to serve on Student Life committees. "I've literally approached 30 to 40 people and asked them to serve … I've never been able to get a full complement of faculty. It's disheartening."

"I think a lot of faculty members are quite interested in student life," Koppes said. "The question is how to channel that interest most effectively."

Related Stories:

SLC elects student co-chair
- November 15, 1996


Copyright © 1996, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 125, Number 11; December 6, 1996

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