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Doean't anyone have something to say?

To the Editor:

Why do people sit in class and never say anything? Doesn't anyone have something to say? About stuff that matters, that is, stuff that will get some debate and dialogue going? The liberal arts classroom is a place where students can throw their ideas around and hear what other people have to say. I think that listening is equally important as speaking-if not more so, but first we need to have someone to listen to. Why are the people who are out-going and confident outside of the classroom so quiet once they get inside? What do we have to lose besides our facade of apathy; our level of comfort that comes with hiding from the risk of self-expression? You're not going to lose the things in life that are most important: you won't get kicked out of school, you won't be killed, you probably won't even lose your friends. And if you do, then you know they didn't like you anyway.

Here in the land of free speech we keep our mouths shut due to fear of an uncomfortable situation, of an awkward moment, or a possible misunderstanding. Societal pressure carries a lot of weight. We'll break every clothing and etiquette taboo on the books at Oberlin, but we are still working on finding enough nerve to speak out in class?

Sure, if you say something controversial then another student might argue back, but what is the point of speaking at all if you are just restating accepted facts? I should hope that someone would respond to my comments. In fact, I am writing this article because I want more people to speak their minds. To me. To somebody else. Just don't be so afraid of sounding stupid that the whole college campus becomes quiet with fear.

For all of you who do speak your mind, thank you. You people inspire me to give it a try.

-Liz Churchill (College sophomore)

Copyright © 1997, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 125, Number 18; March 28, 1997

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