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Thank you, Drag Ball

To the Editor and the entire drag community:

I must congratulate LGBU, the Student Union, Chris Baymiller, Sean McFall, Chris Zalla, and all who were involved in making this year's Drag Ball a stunning success. I also have a request. Because my hot pink LeClic is currently out of commission, I must rely upon the kindness of other camera owners for record of my escapades. Therefore, I can pay for extra prints of any choice photos or provide a tape for video footage. My grandchildren will be most grateful.

My heart felt thanks go to: The Divine Miss Hannah, who designed my dress, painstakingly hand-sewed my headpiece, and served as tail caddie and breast and eyelash mistress during the Ball; Andy, Hannah's mother, who masterminded the feat of engineering that became my peacock tail; Keely Rhodes, may make-up artist; Andrew, who became a convert to drag culture; Michael Maccaferri, who is an inspiration to us all; Rochelle Oddo, who unknowingly began my runway career; The Conservatory Clarinet Studio, for loving support; The Conservatory Trombone Studio, for not disowning me; Peter and Porky and Amy J. And a wink goes out to that mysterious woman who groped me on that dark and crowded dance floor, whoever she may be ...

-Queen Courtney Cocks, a.k.a. C. Neil Parsons (Conservatory senior)

Copyright © 1997, The Oberlin Review.
Volume 125, Number 20, April 11, 1997

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