What Would Nina Do?

Dear Nina,
I don’t know what to do. This guy in one of my classes totally hit on me and I don’t even know him. The ball’s in my court now. Should I ignore him? Lie and say I have a boyfriend? I’m just not interested and it’s totally awkward now. I mean, I always thought he was gay anyway...

—Reluctant Heartbreaker

Dear Heartbreaker,
That’s a toughie. Generally, my approach is to disregard the obvious fact that the ball is in your court and do nothing, thereby perpetuating unnecessary awkwardness, and putting the boy through tedious days and weeks of wondering. Clearly that sounds like bad advice, but I’m gonna go with it.
The beautiful thing about it is you will actually spare him some humiliation that would be unavoidable if you confronted him. Also, after some time passes, you can really convince yourselves that nothing embarrassing ever happened and probably be acquaintances. Just don’t ever let the conversation proceed past impersonal greetings, or he’ll be all, “Oh, she likes me but didn’t get that I was hitting on her” and then hit on you more.
Otherwise, you could say you have a boyfriend, but how do you start that conversation? Also, it’s only October. If you start dating someone later and this guy finds out, he might figure out that you were lying. You could tell him you’re hopelessly in love with someone else, or you’re getting over someone or something. All of these options are bound to make you feel ridiculous and it will be even more awkward. Just pretend you don’t know him.


Dear Nina,
My boyfriend and I are sexually active and have been together for about 3 days now. The other day when I was reading his journal, I read that he had had sex with some skank just 2 days before we hooked up. Do you think that maybe I should confront him about it? He’s probably over her and already falling in love with me, yes? Oh Nina, what should I do?

—Hopelessly Devoted

Dear Hopeless,
I know an elementary school teacher who divides the behavior of his students into two basic categories: making good choices and making weird choices. It sounds like you have made some weird choices.
First, I’m not sure whether “boyfriend” is appropriate to say, here. I mean, three days? Secondly, reading his journal? If you are really trying to establish a relationship, you should not start by invading his privacy. Regardless, you are in a very difficult situation because you know something you shouldn’t, and you can’t really confront him. It would be more appropriately a confession.
I hate to burst your bubble, but if you are OK with doing it after two days or whatever, you should be comfortable with the possibility that your partner does the same, all the time. Most importantly, make sure you are very careful about safe sex.
If you really like this guy and think he is boyfriend material, try to start over, slow it down and put both your pasts behind you. And stop reading his journal, for crying out loud.


October 12
November 2

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