Issue Contents : : Letters : : Page [ 1 2 3 4 ] Artwatch Revisited I am writing to you as a member of ArtWatch International, founded by
James Beck '52. In your article, "Conservation
Wars" (fall
2002), you stated that Beck was "unwilling to face those who bear
the brunt of his criticism." When I questioned Jim about this,
he said he had written to you explaining that he would be delighted
to debate the entire Oberlin team of conservators at any time, provided
he was not constrained in the expression of his opinion. I have not
seen his response in the Alumni Magazine. As an artist and former art
critic, I am convinced that conservators and restorers have had the
best of intentions for centuries, but as in medicine, "state-of-the-art" means
the best to date, not ultimate or perfect. Original works of art, dirty
or not, are irreplaceable. Cleaning methods continue to change. Current
conservators frequently condemn irreversible attacks on the surfaces
of venerable works of art by former conservators. I support a cautious
approach to cleaning. Jim Beck has been invited to be a keynote speaker
at the annual meeting of the American Institute for Conservation in
Portland, Ore., from June 9 to 14, 2004. He continues his battle to
prevent use of a "wet" method to clean Michelangelo's
David in Florence. He wrote an article in The Wall Street
Journal about
this and has been featured in a New York Times article, "Question
for David at 500: Is He Ready for Makeover?" by Alan Riding in
July. It is my hope that ArtWatch will continue to police the efforts
to conserve important works of art.