Alumni Student Exchange
By Midge Wood Brittingham '60
A panel of alumni working in the fields of science and medicine addressed students exploring such careers.It was a picture-perfect Saturday and the mid-afternoon sunshine was no invitation to head indoors. Still, 200 Oberlin students resisted temptation and took advantage of the College's first Alumni- Student Exchange on September 12, attending career panels and practice interviews conducted by 77 Alumni Council volunteers.
RIGHT: Sonja Herbert '91 (R)Sponsored by the Office of Career Services and the Oberlin Alumni Association, the event allowed alumni to share with students their personal and professional experiences in the fields of business, communications, law, government, arts, non-profits, science, and medicine. Some students attended panels addressing the realities of working abroad or in major metropolitan areas, while others met individually with alumni for practice job interviews.
Wendy Smith Miller, director of Career Services, said she received very positive comments from the students, and that the event will be considered again for next year.
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