If there is one unifying element, it is that,
and foremost, Jeff was a scholar.
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Featured Stories:
A Tribute to a Scholar
Oberlin's dean of Arts and Sciences offers a moving eulogy to his
friend and former colleague, Geoffrey Blodgett '53.
by Clayton Koppes
A New Age
of Activism
It's a new chapter in the age-old story of Oberlin activism as young
alumni take their college-acquired social and political concerns
to the workplace.
by Sara Marcus '99
Curing Cancer:
Are We Getting Closer?
Cancer remains the second-leading cause of death in the United States.
But today's researchers have some new tools to aid in the fight:
a genetic understanding of the disease and drug treatments tailor-made
for each patient.
by Trisha Gura
the Flashing Bang
In the wake of September 11, a survivor of the atomic bomb dropped
in Hiroshima 57 years ago begs for the abolition of nuclear weapons.
by Michael McIntyre
Her Stride
She had 30 hours to run a 100-mile marathon - an event that tested
her endurance, her friendships, and her will to succeed.
by Anna Newcomb Bradford '84