Feature Stories

[cover story]
Paradise for Sale
A biologist’s take on why society isn’t more concerned about the environmental problems that could destroy our planet.
by Carl N. McDaniel ’64

The State of the College
In her annual address to alumni, parents, and new graduates, President Nancy S. Dye discusses Oberlin’s triumphs and challenges during this most unusual of years.
by Nancy S. Dye

The Environment and Oberlin: An Update
Oberlin’s cutting-edge environmental studies center has been in operation for more than
two years. Is the facility performing as originally expected? Two professors weigh in.
by John E. Petersen ’88 and John H. Scofield

Word Play
Stewart Edelstein ’70 maps out the evolution of the English language while paying tribute to his mentor and former English professor, Robert Longsworth.
by Allison Tracy ’66

Looking Past the Pulitzer
Renowned composer George Walker talks openly about his experiences as an African American classical composer.
by Tamima Friedman ’83

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