Around Tappan Square
Profs Who Publish
by Courtney Mauk '03
Oberlin's faculty and staff members are a prolific
bunch; nearly 30 have had books published since January 2000 in
topics ranging from poetry and short stories to literary studies,
quantum mechanics, music educa- tion, and Mexican history. The works
were featured at a campus reception in December hosted by the Friends
of the Oberlin College Library.
Event coordinator and author Anne Trubek '88, assistant
professor of rhetoric and composition, says that the Friends-sponsored
reception was the first public recognition of Oberlin authors, in
part because it has been difficult to compile a complete list in
past years. The authors appreciated the effort; many brought their
families and mingled with students amid the elegant displays of
"This was a really good way for people at Oberlin
who actively produce scholarship to meet each other and to view
each other's work," says Anuradha Needham, professor of English
and author of Using the Master's Tools: Resistance and Literature
of the African and South Asian Diasporas.
"It brought together faculty who could put faces
to names to products, and thus created an opportunity to discover
the interests of other faculty members," says author John Pearson,
Young-Hunter Professor of art and co-chair of the department. "The
notion to highlight formally the scholarly production of faculty
is a long-overdue idea."
At the event, Ray English, director of libraries,
remarked on the "extraordinary productivity of the faculty
and staff." He also stressed the importance of the Friends
of the Library, which provides vital funding for faculty needs and
library collections.
Oberlin College Faculty and Staff-Authored Books,
Book Title
Publisher and Date
Ann Cooper Albright
Associate Professor, Theater and Dance
Moving History/Dancing Cultures
University of Wesleyan Press, 2001
Christa Champion, Editor
Womens Basketball Coach
Girls Got Game: Sports Stories and Poems
Henry Holt & Co., 2001
Dan Chaon
Assistant Professor, Creative Writing
Among the Missing
Ballantine, 2001
Pat Day
Associate Professor, English
Vampire Legends in Contemporary America: What Becomes
a Legend Most
University of Kentucky Press, 2002
Michel Debost
Professor, Flute
The Simple Flute
Oxford University Press, 2002
Kay Edwards, et al
Assistant Professor, Music Education
Prelude to Music Education
Prentice-Hall, 2002
Joanne Erwin, et al
Chair, Music Education
Prelude to Music Education
Prentice-Hall, 2002
Sebastiaan Faber
Assistant Professor, Hispanic Studies
Exile and Cultural Hegemony: Spanish Intellectuals in
Mexico, 1939-1975
Vanderbilt University Press, 2002
Dorit Ganson
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
The Explanationist Defense of Scientific Realism
Garland Press, 2001
Suzanne Gay
Associate Professor, East Asian Studies
The Moneylenders of Late Medieval Kyoto
University of Hawaii Press, 2001
Daniel J. Goulding
Professor Emeritus, Theater Arts
Liberated Cinema: The Yugoslav Experience, 1945-2001
Indiana University Press, 2002
Jessica Grim
Reference Librarian, Instruction Coordinator
David Kamitsuka
Associate Professor, Religion
Theology and Contemporary Culture
Cambridge University Press, 2000
Jody Kerchner, et al
Associate Professor, Music Education
Prelude to Music Education
Prentice-Hall, 2002
John Knight, et al
Professor, Music Education
Prelude to Music Education
Prentice-Hall, 2002
Wendy Kozol, Editor
Associate Professor, Womens Studies
Haunting Violations: Feminist Criticism and the Crisis
of the "Real"
University of Illinois Press, 2001
Haipeng Li, Editor
Reference Librarian, Outreach Coordinator
Proceedings of the International Conference on Academic
Libraries in the New Millennium
Yunnan University, 2002
Katherine Linehan
Professor, English
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: A Norton Critical
Norton & Co., 2002
Patricia Mathews
Associate Professor, Art History
Passionate Discontent: Creativity and Gender in French
Symbolist Art
University of Chicago, 2000
Charles McGuire
Assistant Professor, Musicology
Elgar's Oratorios: The Creation of an Epic Narrative
Ashgate, 2002
Laurie Hovell McMillin
Assistant Professor, Rhetoric and Composition
English in Tibet, Tibet in English: Self-Preservation
in Tibet and the Diaspora
Palgrave, 2001
T.S. McMillin
Associate Professor, English
Our Preposterous Use of Literature: Emerson and the Nature
of Reading
University of Illinois Press, 2000
Anuradha Needham
Professor, English
Using the Master's Tools: Resistance and Literature of
the African and South Asian Diasporas
St. Martin's Press, 2000
Tom Newlin
Associate Professor, Russian
The Voice in the Garden: Andrei Bolotov and the Anxieties
of Russian Pastoral
Northwestern University Press, 2001
David Orr
Professor, Environmental Studies
The Nature of Design: Ecology, Culture and Human Intention
Oxford University Press, 2002
Elena Osokina
Visiting Assistant Professor, History
Our Daily Bread: Socialist Distribution and the Art of
Survival in Satlin's Russia
Sharpe, 2000
Laszlo Scholz, Editor
Professor, Hispanic Studies
Los avatares de la flecha
Universidad de Salamanca, 2002
Dan Styer
Professor, Physics
The Strange World of Quantum Mechanics
Cambridge University Press, 2000
Yasser Tabbaa
Visiting Assistant Professor, Art History
The Transformation of Islamic Art during the Sunni Revival
University of Washington Press, 2000
Anne Trubek
Associate Professor, Rhetoric and Composition
Writing Material: Readings from Plato to the Digital Age
Longman, 2002
Linda Weintrab
Luce Professor, Emerging Arts
In The Making: Creative Options in Contemporary Art
Distributed Art Publishers, Inc.,2003
David Young
Professor, English
At The White Window
Ohio State University Press, 2000
Sandra Zagarell, Editor
Professor, English
The Heath Anthology of American Literature, 4th
Houghton Mifflin, 2001