ENDQUOTES “I think, with never- ending gratitude, that the young women of today do not and can never know at what price their right to free speech and to speak at all in public has been earned.” Lucy Stone, Class of 1847, in a lecture to the New England Women’s Club in 1887 “Another interesting thing about Ben and me is that we have very similar values in how we see the world. We both believe that business should be using its power to help address social and environmental issues, and not just making money. So that’s helped define the mission of the company. At the same time, Ben and I have very different skills. Ben is very creative, spontaneous, risk-taking, bounding...adorable... whereas I am more adorable in my own way.” Jerry Greenfield ’73, of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, answering the question “What’s the secret to remaining friends after working together all these years?” in an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Reddit, on January 8, 2015 “If you don’t happen to have a nice, gay, Jewish nephew who is a musical genius and hilariously funny with ties to musical comedy stars and an obsessive need to pick apart every single note of their careers, and who also comes home and tells you all about it while dish- ing them and order- ing Chinese take-out, not to mention counting calories all at the same time, then Seth Rudetsky is your man. Please buy this amaaaaahzing book so he’ll stop e-mailing me.” Actor Nathan Lane, about Seth’s Broadway Diary by Seth Rudetsky ’88, published in October 2014 by Dress Circle Publishing “Our students deserve to be supported when they respond passionately to the injustices they see. But we are not doing our jobs if we don’t challenge them when they abuse the values that sustain us.” Steven S. Volk, professor of history at Oberlin and director of its Center for Teaching Innovation and Excellence, in the Chronicle of Higher Education blog The Conversation, on January 8, 2015 “I’m just so tired of basic feminism and the people who defend it. This isn’t the 19th century. Y’all need to read Sojourner Truth.” Imani Gandy ’96, on Twitter, under the handle Imani ABL (Angry Black Lady), February 23, 2015 44