2003 Contents
The Oberlin Bridge to Crumb Country
What is it about the music of George Crumb that beckons Oberlin Musicians?
The View from Aspen: A Window on Conservatory
Senior Maria Balducci finds renewed dedication to her music at the
Aspen Music Festival.
Le Pouvoir de l'Amour
Oberlin resurrects an opera and the world takes notice.
String Theory: They Are Winners Already
A conversation with Professor of Violin Milan Vitek.
From the Dean
Of Note
Music Education and Opera Theater celebrate anniversaries, From
the Top tapes radio show in Finney Chapel, Jazz at Oberlin,
50 years later.
Contemporary Music Ensemble recognized for adventurous programming,
violin student is Koussevitzky and Sorantin laureate, Professor Jeffrey
Mumford honored with Academy Award in Music.
Faculty Notes
Marcus Belgrave receives award from the Howard University Jazz Ensemble,
Michael Lynn and the Bach connection.
Alumni Notes
Alumni shine on Broadway in La Boheme, Huang Ruo crosses
musical boundaries, Alumnae join a growing list of American Bach Soloist
winners from Oberlin. |