Why Glenville for "Cleveland and the Great Migration 2002"?


Summer 2002: Experienced "Cleveland and the Great Migration" Master Teachers become seminar leaders

Project Expansion: From one seminar of 12 teachers to 4 seminars of 12 teachers

Eligible Schools: Participants in OCEAN: The Oberlin College Educational Alliance Network and their affiliated middle schools and elementary schools


What is OCEAN?

OCEAN is a concurrent enrollment program in which Oberlin College Faculty work with public school teachers who will, in their schools, offer college-equivalent courses. Successful completion of an OCEAN course will be recognized on an Oberlin College transcript, and should provide transfer credit similar to AP credit for college-bound students.


General Information about OCEAN


2001-2002 Courses:

American History
Shakespeare and Performance



2001-2002 OCEAN Partner Schools

Lincoln West High School, Cleveland
Collinwood High School, Cleveland
South Central High School, Greenwich
Monroeville High School, Monroeville
Western Reserve High School, Collins


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