to GEOLOGY 115, Coral Reefs: Biology, Geology & Politics.
Unfortunately, no approriate text exists for this course.
This is a working draft of an electronic text that is being prepared
in response to comments from prior classes that some of the material
is difficult to absorb - especially what appears in the journal
references that we occasionally use when we discuss new and evolving
principles. This is meant to be a resource for you to help prepare
for lectures. Thus, it should be read before the class meeting in
which the material is discussed. The course is designed so that
non-science majors can understand the material just as easily as
those that might feel they are more scientifically inclined. The
secret, however, is three-fold. First, make sure to keep up with
the readings. Second, ask a lot of questions in class, even if you
feel self-conscious..... the only stupid question is the one you
should have asked.... and didn't. and finally, don't fall into the
trap of thinking that this text, the posted Powerpoint slides and
othe aids posted to help you along are a substitute for lecture.
This last one is a deadly mistake. |