EXWR 100-01: Basic Writing
3 September 1996

Paper 1: What's your writing process right now?

For this paper I'd like for you to describe what you usually do when you write something. It can be school-related writing, personal writing like journal-keeping, letter writing, fiction, poetry--pick some form of writing you've done more than once in the past and describe for us how you typically do it.

Here are some questions that might help you get started. Don't feel you have to answer all or even any of them:

Write as much as you can, trying to help me "see" the process you're describing. I expect these papers will be at least 1 page long, typed double-spaced. They are due at the beginning of class on Thursday, September 5.

last updated 9 October 1996 by Jan Cooper
Expository Writing Program

send comments to fcooper@oberlin.edu
