EXWR 201-01

Writing in the Sciences

13 March 2000



Here are the steps I'd like you to follow to prepare your folder to turn in by Friday, March 24 at noon:

1. Gather all materials from this class--all drafts, notes, false starts, photocopies, and comments from me or classmates or tutor.

2. Put all the materials in chronological order and label them (e.g. "Paper 2--first draft"). Please arrange them chronologically in the following sections:

Paper I

Paper 2

Paper 3

Style exercises

Other work

3. Make a Table of Contents, listing all the materials in your folder.

4. Carefully read through all the work you have collected.

5. In a well-supported, finished piece of writing evaluate the work you've done thus far this semester. Address the following issues:

I will look forward to seeing these folders at the end of next week. If you don't think you can get your folder in by then, please talk to me about it before Tuesday, March 21.

I will return your folder and discuss it with you after spring break.

Have a safe and happy break.


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last updated 5 March 2000
send comments to Jan.Cooper@oberlin.edu