EXWR 201-01

Writing in the Sciences

 28 February 2000

Paper 3: Grant Proposal or Scientific Course Paper


For this paper you have two options:

A. You may prepare a grant proposal for research in a topic of interest to you. You may work on this project by yourself or collaboratively with one or two other students in the class.


B. You may submit multiple drafts of a paper that you are working on for another class or project (for example an honors project). If you choose this option it should be a paper in an upper level class or project.

For Option A I'd like you to go through these stages:

Stage 1: By Wednesday, March 1 at 6PM send me a brief description of topic of the research project you're choosing to propose. This can be sent as simply an email message to Jan.Cooper@oberlin.edu

Stage 2: By Sunday, March 5, 3PM send the first draft of your proposal as a Word document attached to an email message to Jan.Cooper@oberlin.edu. Use the Fictional Undergraduate Research Fund Request Form as a format for your proposal. We will discuss the proposal drafts in small groups on Monday, March 6.

Stage 3: By Sunday, March 12, 3PM send the second draft of your proposal as a Word document attached to an email message to Jan.Cooper@oberlin.edu.

For Option B, please consult with me to arrange a reasonable schedule of submitting drafts.


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last updated 5 March 2000
send comments to Jan.Cooper@oberlin.edu