A Guide to the Ethnomusicology LP Collection
in the Oberlin College Conservatory Library



Arabian Peninsula

Note: All call numbers begin with LP or SLP 781. followed by the numbers shown.

Some LPs have the jacket notes bound separately, with the same call number.
Be sure to ask for them.


Call Number


Company Number

753 A3 A7

The Arab World: Its Music and its People

Desto: D 504

753 A3 M8 (w/ notes)

Music in the World of Islam

TBX 601

753 I5 E8

Exotic Music for the Oud

LLST 7303

753 I5 M9

Music for Classical Oud

FW 8761

753.35 A3 A4

The Afro-Arabian Crossroad

LLST 7384

753.35 A3 N6

North Yemen: Traditional Songs and Instruments

Odeon 3C 064-18352

753.35 F3 M85 v. 1

Music from Yemen, Arabia: Sanaani, Caheji,


LLST 7283

753.35 F3 M85 v. 2

Musis from Yemen, Arabia: Samar

LLST 7284

753.35 F3 M9

Music of South Arabia

FE 4421

753.65 A3 P3

Pecheurs de perles et musiciens du Golfe Persique

OCR 42

753.65 F3 B3

Bahrain: Various vocalists, instrumentalists, and ensembles

Odeon 18371




755 A3 C5

Classical Music of Iran (vol. 1, 2)

FW 8831-8832

755 A3 F6

Folk Songs and Dances of Iran

FW 8856

755 A3 Ir1

UNESCO Mus. Anth. Of the Orient: Iran

Bärenreiter BM 30 L 2004

755 A3 Ir13 vol.2

Iran: Anth. De la Musique Traditionelle vol. 2

Ocora 558 550

755 A3 Ir13 vol.3

Iran: Anth. De la Mus. Trad. Vol. 3

Ocora 558 562

755 A3 Ir13 vol.4

Iran: Anth. De la Mus. Trad. Vol. 4

Ocora 558 563

755 A3 M95

Musical Sources: Iranian Dastgah

Philips 6586 005

755 A3 M96

Musique Persane

Ocora OCR 57

755 A3 P4

Persian Heritage: Classical music of Iran

Nonesuch H 72060

755 F3 K9

Kurdish Folk Mus from W. Iran

FE 4103

755 F3 P4

Shusah: Persian love songs and mystic chants

LLST 7235

755 I2 Ir1

Iran: a Musical Anth. Of the Orient vol.2

Bärenreiter BM 30 L 2005

755 I7 A7

Art of the Persian Santur: Djalal Akhbari

MHS 4877

755 I7 M8

Music of Iran: Santur recital

LLST 7135

755 I7 P4

Persian Santur: Music of Iran

Nonesuch HS 72039

755 I7 So8

Sounds of the Santour

IER 7151

755 I8 M8 vol.1

Music of Iran: The Tar, vol. 1

LLST 7201

755 I8 M8 vol.2

Music of Iran: The Tar, vol. 2

LLST 7220

755 V3 P4

Persian Love Songs & Mystic Chants

TNGS 108

755.3 A3 A8

Azerbaijani Mugam: Bahrem Mansurov, tar

Philips 6586 027

755.5 A3 K8

Kurdish music (Musical Sources)

Philips 6586 019



Middle East

756 I5 M9

Music of the Near and Middle East: the Oud

LLST 7160

756 V3 S8

Sung Poetry of the Middle East

Philips 6586 024




756.1 A3 Es1

Escale en Turquie

CPTX 240681

756.1 A3 G3

Georgian Folk Music from Turkey

EST 8002

756.1 A3 So6

Songs and Dances of Turkey

FW 8801

756.1 A3 T8

Musical Anth. of the Orient: Turkey, vol. 2

Bärenreiter BM 30 L 2020

756.1 A3 T85

Turkish Musik: Classical, religious, and folk

CAP 1087

756.1 A3 T87

Turquie: Musique tzigane

Ocora 558 649

756.1 A3 T89

Turquie: Voyages d’Alain Gheerbrant en Anatolie

vol. 1 & 2

Ocora 558 634, 558 635

756.1 F3 F7

Folk and Trad. Music of Turkey

FE 4404

756.1 F3 H6

Holiday in Istanbul: Turkish songs and dances

Monitor MFS 748

756.1 I1 M9

Musique Trad: Pieces Instr. (Turque)

Ocora OCR 56

756.1 I2 D2

Dances and Musical Instruments of Turkey

RLP 10074

756.1 O3 T8



756.1 O3 T84

Turkish Hit Parade


756.1 S3 An87

Anth. of Oriental Music: Turkey

AST 4003

756.1 S3 T8

Mus Anth Orient: Turkey, music of the Mevlevi vol. 1

Bärenreiter BM 30 L 2019

756.1 V3 M9

Musique Classique Ottomane

STX 218

756.3 F3 P7

Pontiaka Tragoudia Ke Chori


756.4 F3 M8

Musica Populaire di Cipro

VPA 8218




756.4 S3 T8

Turquie: Chants sacres d'anatolie

Ocora OCR 65

756.45 F3 Fo45

Folk Music of Cyprus

LLST 7329

756.5 A3 T8

Turkish Village Music

Nonesuch H 72050

756.67 A3 K9

Kurdish Folk Songs and Dances

FE 4469

756.7 A3 M9

Arabian Music: Maqam

Philips 6586 006




756.7 I5 Ir1

Iraq: Ud Classique Arabe par Munir Bashir

Ocora OCR 63

756.7 I5 L9

Luth Classique en Iraq

Pathé 2C 066 95157

756.7 I5 L97

Luth Traditionnel en Iraq

Pathé 2C 066 95160




756.91 I3 F7

Flute Classique en Syrie

Pathé 2C 066 95159

756.91 I5 L9

Luth Traditionnel en Syrie

Pathé 2C 066 95161

756.91 S3 Sy8

Syria: Musical Atlas

Odeon EMI 3C 064 17885

756.91 S7 M86

Music of the Syrian Orthodox Church

Philips 6586 014

756.92 I1 C5

Cithare Classique

EMI 2C066 95158

756.92 I1 T1

Takassim Buzuk

EMI Parlo. GVDL 58




756.94 A3 F7

Folk Music of Palestine

FE 4408

756.94 A3 In1 v.1

Israel: Bukhara, Uzbekistan, Cochin

Westminster W 9805

756.94 A3 In1 v.2

Israel: Morocco songs

W 9806

756.94 A3 In1 v.3

Israel: Yemen, Atlas Mtns,Tunisia,Spain songs

W 9810

756.94 F3 C1

I Canti del Popolo Ebraico: Hana Roth

Albetros VPA 8094

756.94 F3 J35

Jewish Folk Songs

FW 8740

756.94 F3 Y5

Yiddish Folk Songs

FW 8720

756.94 S5 C3

Chabad-songs of the Lubavitcher Chassidim

CBS S 64184

756.94 S5 F2

Famous Chassidic & Shabbath songs

BAN 14301

756.94 S5 H25

Hagadah: Recorded in a Yemenite home

FW 8921

756.94 S5 H3

Hassidic Tunes of Dancing and Rejoicing

FE 4209

756.94 S5 I5

Israel: Tradiitons liturgiques des Communautés Juives

Ocora 558529

756.94 S5 J6

Jewish music (Mus Sources)

Philips 6586 001

756.94 S5 M9

Musik der Bibel in der Tradition althebräischer Melodien

Schwann AMS 1508

756.94 V3 J8

Les Juifs d’Ethiopie

Ocora 558 670

756.94 V3 R5

Rinat: Folksongs (a cappella)

CBS S 72598

756.94 V3 S6

Songs of the Ghetto

FW 8739




758.1 A3 Af28

Afghanistan et Iran

Vogue LVLX 191

758.1 A3 Af3

Afghan: Music from the Crossroads of Asia

Nonesuch H 72053

758.1 A3 Af34

Afghan: Music in Kabul

LLST 7259

758.1 A3 An87 v.1

Anth of Oriental Music: Afghanistan

AST 4001

758.1 A3 An87 v.2

Anth Orient Mus. Afghanistan

AST 4004

758.1 A3 An87 v.3

Anth Orient Mus. Afghanistan

AST 4007

758.1 A3 M9

Musical Anth. of the Orient: Afghanistan

Bärenreiter BM 30 L 2003

758.1 F3 F6 vol.1

Folk Music of Afghanistan vol. 1

LLST 7230

758.1 F3 F6 vol.2

Folk Music of Afghanistan vol. 2

LLST 7231

Main Index

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