Art 200 (Unit 2 - page 1)
Approaches to the History of Art

Erik Inglis, Department of Art

Constantin Brancusi
The Kiss
1908-1910, limestone
Paris, Montparnesse Cemetery

Antonio Canova
Cupid and Psyche
1800-03, marble
St. Petersburg, Hermitage

Group of Four Tetrarchs
Roman Tetrarchic Period
early 4th Century CE
Venice, St. Mark's

Group of Two Augustae
Roman Tetrarchic Period
300-305 CE
Rome, Vatican Museums

Group of Two Augustae (detail)
Roman Tetrarchic Period
300-305 CE
Rome, Vatican Museums

Augustus of Prima Porta (detail)
Julio-Claudian Period
ca. 10 BCE
Rome, Vatican Museums

Arch of Constantine
Constantinian Period
ca. 320 CE
(with earlier reused reliefs)

Arch of Constantine
Aurelian Panel Lustratio
ca. 180 CE

Arch of Constantine
Aurelian Panel Liberalitas
ca. 180 CE

Arch of Constantine
Constantinian Relief
Distribution of Largesse
ca. 320 CE

Early Christian Sarcophagus
275-300 CE
Rome, Santa Maria Antiqua

Early Christian Sarcophagus:
Repose of Jonah
275-300 CE
Rome, Santa Maria Antiqua

Christ & the Apostles
Early Christian Mosaic
401-417 CE
Rome, Santa Pudenziana

Christ & the Apostles:
Detail of Christ

Early Christian Mosaic
401-417 CE
Rome, Santa Pudenziana

Vatican Virgil:
Jupiter & Pagan Gods

Late Antique Manuscript
ca. 4-5th Century CE
Rome, Vatican Library
Ms. lat. 3867

Vicarius Probianus
Early Christian Ivory Diptych
ca. 400 CE
Rome, Vatican Library
Berlin, Staatliche Museum

Mausoleum of Theodoric
Early Christian, ca. 525 CE
Ravenna Italy

Late Antique
ca. 2nd Century CE
Location (?)

Pagan Deer Sarcophagus
Late Antique
220-230 CE
Pisa, Camposanto

Pagan Deer Sarcophagus detail
Late Antique
220-230 CE
Pisa, Camposanto

Endymion Sarcophagus
(found at Ostia)
Late Antique
190-280 CE
New York, Metropolitan
Museum of Art

Endymion Sarcophagus (detail)
Late Antique
190-280 CE
New York, Metropolitan
Museum of Art

Philosopher Sidamara Sarcophagus
Early Christian
250-260 CE
Istanbul, Archeological Museum

Maries at the Tomb
Early Christian Ivory
ca. 400 CE

Maries at the Tomb detail
Early Christian Ivory
ca. 400 CE

Symmacchi Diptych:
Priestess of Bacchus

Early Christian Ivory
Wing from a Diptych
380-400 CE
London, Victoria & Albert Museum

Maison Carree
Roman, ca. 10 CE
Nimes, France

Maison Carree (plan)
Roman, ca. 10 CE
Nimes, France

General View of Basilica
Roman, early 4th Century CE
Trier, Germany

Basilica View & Plan
Roman, early 4th Century CE
Trier, Germany

Basilica, Interior
View of Apse

Roman, early 4th Century CE
Trier, Germany

Basilica, Exterior
View of Apse

Roman, early 4th Century CE
Trier, Germany

Santa Sabina, Exterior View
of Apse and West Flank

Early Christian Church
422-40 CE

Santa Sabina, Interior
View of Nave

Early Christian Church
422-40 CE

Santa Sabina (plan)
Early Christian Church
422-40 CE

Santa Sabina, Interior View
of Nave & Side Aisle

Early Christian Church
422-40 CE

San Apollinare in Classe
Interior View of Nave

Byzantine Church
ca. 549 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Apollinare in Classe
Interior View of Apse Mosaic

Byzantine Church
ca. 549 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Apollinare in Classe
Interior View of Apse Mosaic
"Christ as Good Shepherd"

Byzantine Church
ca. 549 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Apollinare in Classe
"Head of Christ"
Byzantine Church
ca. 549 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Vitale
Byzantine Church
ca. 546-48 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Vitale (plan)
Byzantine Church
ca. 546-48 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Vitale, Interior View
Byzantine Church
ca. 546-48 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Vitale, Interior View
Byzantine Church
ca. 546-48 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Vitale, Apse Mosaic
"Christ in Glory"

Byzantine Church
ca. 546-48 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Vitale, Lunette Mosaic
"Sacrifice of Abraham"

Byzantine Church
ca. 546-48 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Vitale, Lunette Mosaic
"Sacrifice of Abraham"
Byzantine Church
ca. 546-48 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Vitale, Lunette Mosaic
"Sacrifice of Melchisedek"

Byzantine Church
ca. 546-48 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Vitale, Apse Mosaic
"Justinian & Entourage"

Byzantine Church
ca. 546-48 CE
Ravenna, Italy

San Vitale, Apse Mosaic
"Empress Theodora & Entourage"

Byzantine Church
ca. 546-48 CE
Ravenna, Italy

Monastery of Saint Catherine
General View of Complex
Byzantine, 6th Century CE
Mount Sinai

Monastery of Saint Martin
General View of Complex
Romanesque, 1000-26 CE
Canigou, France

Monastery of Saint Gall
General Plan
Early Medieval, 820-30 CE
St. Gall, Switzerland

Monastery of Saint Gall
Map of Groundplan
Early Medieval, 820-830 CE
St. Gall, Switzerland

Monastery of Saint Gall
Cloister Plan
Early Medieval, 820-830 CE
St. Gall, Switzerland

Monastery of Saint Gall
Cloisters, Novitiate & Infirmary Plan
Early Medieval, 820-830 CE
St. Gall, Switzerland

Canterbury Cathedral
Water System Diagram
Romanesque, ca. 1165 CE
Canterbury, England

Reconstruction of Cluny Abbey
View from Southwest
As Seen in 1157 CE
Cluny, France

Cluny III Abbey
(Monastery of SS Peter & Paul)

Entire Groundplan, CE 1150
Cluny, France

Cluny III Abbey
(Monastery of SS Peter & Paul)

Section & Plan
As Seen in ca. 1700 Drawing
Cluny, France

Cluny III Abbey
(Monastery of SS Peter & Paul)

Southern Transept
Romanesque, 1089-1132
Cluny, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre (plan)
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Plan of Medieval Village
Engraving after Taylor
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
Distant View of South Portal
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
View of South Portal
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
South Portal Tympanum
Christ in Majesty
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
Left Side Wall of Narthex
Story of Lazarus
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
West Wall of Narthex
Detail of Frieze
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
West Wall of Narthex
Detail of Frieze
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
West Wall of Narthex
Detail of Relief Sculpture
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
Cloister Pier Sculpture
SS Philip and Andrew
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
Cloister Gallery
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
Cloister Gallery
Intermediate Pier
Abbot Durandus (marble)
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
Cloister Gallery
North Capital
St. Martin Dividing His Cloak
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
Cloister Gallery Capital
Fantastic Winged Griffins
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Cluny III Abbey
(Monastery of SS Peter & Paul)

View of Abbey from East
As Seen in 1773 drawing
Cluny, France

Cluny III Abbey
(Monastery of SS Peter & Paul)

Interior View of Great Nave
As Seen in drawing by T.C Bannister
Cluny, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
Facade Portal
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Saint Pierre
View of Cloister
Romanesque, early 12th century
Moissac, France

Abbey of Fontenay
View of Abbey Complex
Romanesque, 1139-46
Fontenay, France

Abbey of Fontenay
View of Church Facade
Romanesque, 1139-46
Fontenay, France

Abbey of Fontenay
Interior View of Church Nave
Romanesque, 1139-46
Fontenay, France

Abbey of Fontenay
View of Cloister
Romanesque, 1139-46
Fontenay, France

Thrust Diagram for a Barrel Vault

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