The 1930s
is the moment when the definition of culture undergoes a dramatic transformation
into the form we recognize today. The model of culture as the best of
man's intellectual and artistic achievements lost its preeminence and
became more accurately a description of "high culture."
In 1931,
Malinowski's radical definition of culture appeared in the Encyclopedia
of Social Sciences. In 1934, Ruth Benedict's Patterns of Culture
was published and became one of the most widely read works of professional
anthropology (Susman Culture as History153). What
was happening, Russell Nye suggests in "The Thirties: The Framework of
Belief," is that scholars like Malinowski and Benedict ceased believing
in a "single universal constant called 'human nature'" (38) that was comparable
across cultures. They shifted instead towards a less absolute, more systems-thinking
model that considered the "totality of institutions, adjustments, beliefs,
and values that held man's world together; by that definition all the
jumbled and chaotic details of living were conceived of as interacting,
related parts of a single whole" (40).
Within the
field of anthropology, this had remarkable epistemological and methodological
implications. Franz Boas and his school rose to prominence; as Michael
Kammen suggests, his work brought about a shift from an evocative anthropology
of tribal memory to an analytical ethnology of folk cultures (Mystic
Chords of Memory415).
The shockwaves
of the "discovery" of culture affected disciplines outside of anthropology,
as well...
Juliet Gorman, May 2001