For all
the aspects of Marion's upbringing that were unorthodox, life in Bloomfield
was still relatively comfortable and sheltered (Hendrickson). Later on
in her time with the FSA, when she was sent out into the Deep South during
the height of the Depression, Marion encountered sharp economic and racial
fractures in everyday life. In most of the literature on her life, several
experiences are described as having laid the groundwork for her ability
to make sense of what she saw, artistically, politically, and personally.
One of
her first professional experiences is usually credited with raising her
class awareness. In the early 1930s, she worked in a mill town in Massachusetts
at a private school for the children of the town's elites, and lived in
a working-class boardinghouse (Post Wolcott 44). The contrast between
the elite and lower-class worlds of Whitinsville was eye-opening. Bridging
the gap of understanding across classes seemed impossible; "the working-class
men in her boardinghouse knew nothing of 'progressive education,' and
the clean, bright children whose minds Marion spend her days stimulating
knew nothing, indeed might never know anything, about the necessity of
working in order to eat" (Hurley 9).
Juliet Gorman, May 2001
