Aldo Leopold Locations

This World Wide Web page written by Dan Styer;;
last updated 28 June 2024.

Map of general Aldo Leopold Locations.

Canoeing in Minnesota and Ontario

Map of Leopold's canoe trip to Canada in 1924.

Map of Leopold's canoe trip to Canada in 1925.

My search for Leopold's "Mulligan Island", where he camped on 13 June 1924 while canoeing in northern Minnesota.

"The trail of the fierce green fire" (Backpacker Magazine; September 1995, volume 23, issue 7, pages 56-62, 135-136), a re-creation of Leopold's 1924 canoe trip in Minnesota and Canada by Jim dale Vickery and Susan Zwinger.

Canoeing in Wisconsin

My re-creation of Leopold's 1942 canoe trip on the Flambeau River in Wisconsin.

Arizona and New Mexico

A Fierce Green Fire, my visit to the Arizona site where Leopold shot a wolf as described in "Thinking Like a Mountain".

Map of Leopold's hunting trips on the Gila of New Mexico (1923, 1927, and 1929).

Tracing Aldo Leopold on the Gila, my visit to Leopold's November, 1929, "Whiterock Deer Camp", and to the Middle Fork of the Gila River.