Additions and Cancellations

to the 2005-2006 Course Catalog

FALL 2005

Updated 03-02-06

Cancelled Course
203.  African History from Earliest Times to the 19th Century.
New Course
101.  Introduction to the Black Experience WILL be taught during the fall semester 2005 by Ms. Brooks.  It will meet TTh--3:00-4:15 and 
      and the CRN is 1002.  See the course description in the course catalog.

New Course
238.   Biotechnology and Culture      3 hours
	   3SS, CD, WR

First Semester.  What is the future of the human body?  How do biomedical technologies change who we are and how we think of our lives?  
This course draws on several key issues of anthropological inquiry - exchange, kinship, identity, gender, ethnicity, religion, and 
power - to examine how biomedical technologies are implicated in the production of culture and society within the U.S. and abroad.  
Readings for the course are selected from a growing ethnographic literature within medical anthropology and science and technology 
studies that treats biotechnologies as historical constructs that emerge from specific political economic frameworks.  In addition 
to studies of cyborgs, clones, and reproductive technologies, we will also consider the anthropological ramifications of disability, 
internet medicine, life support technologies, and organ donors.  The course will provide an overview of anthropological approaches to 
medical technology and will raise issues that will be of interest to students of cultural and biological anthropology, public health, 
medicine, and the life sciences.  Prerequisite: ANTH 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Enrollment: 35
Sem 1   CRN 6599  ANTH-238-01   TTh--3:00-4:20   Mr. Stein

New Courses
045.  Visual Concepts and Processes:  Introduction to Digital Photography  3 Hours
First Semester.  This class will introduce students to digital photography techniques and concepts. We will explore the acquisition, 
manipulation, and output of digital photographic images primarily using Adobe Photoshop. Students will operate input and output devices in 
the execution of assignments and apply these technologies to their photographic process.  Modern developments in digital imaging will be 
presented with hands-on experience to combine traditional photographic techniques with electronic media.  Consent of instructor required.  
Enrollment Limit:  15
Sem 1   CRN 6705   ARTS-045-01   TTh--1:30-4:30   Ms. Holcombe
Ms. Holcombe

086. Advanced Studio 3 hours
     3 HU
First and Second Semesters.  Only open to  upper level students who have already completed numerous studio courses and have demonstrated 
their level of accomplishment and their serious commitment to exploring art.  Students are expected to present their own ideas for weekly 
discussion and be prepared to contribute to critiques and presentations.  Consent of instructor required.  Enrollment Limit:  8
Sem 1   CRN 6242   ARTS-086-01   Mr. Coleman, Ms. Schuster
New Course
140. Global Standard Time: Internalizing Rhythms  1 hour 
A workshop for instrumentalists and vocalists that focuses on the student's ability to internalize and comprehend a range of rhythms that 
originate in multiple cultures. The teaching emphasizes speaking rhythm and then performing the lessons on the frame drum. The course 
materials are based upon a contemporary application of old-world teaching methods from North Africa, the Mid-east, and South India. The
rhythms are poly-rhythmical an cyclical in nature. The playing techniques implemented are basic hand and finger techniques adapted from 
South Indian drumming and can be applied to a variety of percussion instruments.  Limit:  12 with consent of the instructor.
Sem 1   CRN 6605   APST-140-01   M--3:30-5:30   Jamey Haddad

Cancelled Course
041. VisPro: Art & the Environment
New Courses
080.	Problems in:  Sculpture			3 hours
First semester. This is an upper level course designed for students who have taken at least one Visual Concepts and Processes: Sculpture 
course. During the semester students will learn several mold making and casting techniques including a two-part plaster waste mold, and a
rubber mold. Participants will learn how to cast in plaster, plastic and resin. These techniques will be applied to three larger
concept-based projects. In addition to studio project there will be writing assignments and presentations.  Prerequisites:  ARTS 050. 
Consent of instructor required.  Enrollment Limit: 15.
Sem 1  CRN 6559  ARTS-080-01  MW-9:00-12:00 Ms. Macias.

225. Approaches to Islamic Art and Architecture   3 hours
     3HU CD 
An introduction to the architecture, painting, and decorative arts of the Islamic World, from Spain to India, between the seventh and 
eighteenth centuries.  The course material is discussed chronologically with an eye toward stylistic change, and thematically in order to 
emphasize the central concepts of Islamic art and architecture. This course will provide a basic understanding of the historical evolution 
and regional variation of Islamic art and architecture and a deeper appreciation of its major themes and concepts.  
Sem 1   CRN 6614   ARTS-225-01   TTR--3:00-4:15 pm   Mr. Tabbaa

240. American Architecture   3 hours
What makes American architecture "American?" A survey of American architecture from the colonial era to the present, considering political, 
social, economic, religious and technological factors in the development of architecture in the United States. Initial focus on the impact 
of British, French, and Spanish colonialism and the subsequent development of an original American architecture. Consideration of the house,
the public library, and the skyscraper as archetypal American buildings.  Limit: 30
Sem 1   CRN 6619   ARTS-240-01   TTR--11:00am-12:15 pm   Ms. Gilkerson

310. Great Cities: Rome, Paris, London and Washington   3 hours
The planning and architecture of these four capital cities from the sixteenth century to the present are compared in their political, 
cultural and social contexts.  The emergence of the modern city is traced through topics including: public imagery and political ideology; 
the impact of antiquity and its revivals; and the examination of specific building types, including the museum and the theater.  Limit: 30.
Sem 1   CRN 6620   ARTS-310-01   TTR 3:00-4:15 pm   Ms. Gilkerson

322.  The Architecture and Arts of Islamic Spain   3 hours
      3HU CD
This course discusses the religious and palatial architecture and the portable arts produced under various Islamic dynasties in Spain 
between the 8th and the 15th centuries.  Cordoba, Seville, and Granada form the three urban nodes for lectures and discussions that address 
interfaith relations and the formation of artistic identities across racial and religious barriers. The course will conclude by assessing 
the legacy of  "Moorish" architecture in the Mudejar style and its revival in the 19th century.  
Sem 1   CRN 6617   ARTS-322-01   TTR--11:00am-12:15pm   Mr. Tabbaa

415.  Transformations in Medieval Islamic Architecture   3 hours
      3HU CD
This seminar deals with the architecture and ornament of the central Middle East between the 11th and 13th centuries.  Two dominant themes 
- the Sunni revival and the Crusades - will shape our discussions and give coherence to a period otherwise noted for its political 
fragmentation and cultural disjunctions.  Approaching the architecture from the perspectives of social history and semiotics, the seminar 
will address questions of patronage, sectarianism, and the creation of a new aesthetic for Islamic architecture.  
Sem 1   CRN 6618   ARTS-415-01   W--1:00-2:50pm   Mr. Tabbaa

427.  Baldwin Seminar   Archaeology and the Arts   1 hour
     1 HU
Christine Finn, University of Bristol, UK  
This course takes "Arts" as a wide concept, to consider the many ways in which archaeology ­ its practice, artifacts, people, and 
places ­ provides inspiration for artists, film-makers, writers, poets, and creative others. It draws a broad canvas, from the pueblos 
of New Mexico, to the boglands of Ireland, and from classical sites to Silicon Valley. Media explored include fine and applied arts, film, 
digital storytelling, television, music, and photography.
Baldwin Seminar weeks of 19 and 26 September 2005  (12 contact hours for 1 credit)
4:30 ­ 6:00 pm ­ M, Tu, W, Th (weeks of 19 and 26 September 2005)
Sem 1   CRN 6616   ARTS-427-01

New Course
031.  Health Careers Practicum     0-1 hour
First and second semesters.  This class provides an opportunity for engaged learning relevant to medical, dental, and veterinary careers.
Students will volunteer at a local medical facility, social service agency or with a community outreach group.   Readings and weekly
discussions will explore in depth student-selected topics relevant to their volunteer experiences. Notes:  CR/NE or P/NP grading.  May be
repeated for credit.  Consent of instructor  required.  Enrollment limit: 10
Sem 1  CRN 6586   BIOL-031-01   Ms. Cruz
Sem 2             BIOL-031-01   Ms Garvin

Cancelled Course
409.  Topics in Physical Chemistry.
CINEMA STUDIES New Courses 100. Introduction to Digital Video Production 1 hour 1HU First semester, module 2: An introduction to digital video production. Students will become familiar with the basics of camera, sound, and lighting equipment, and with iMovie editing software. Students will collaborate on focused production exercises and a larger final class project. This course will fulfill the prerequisite for advanced production courses in Cinema Studies, though it does not guarantee admission, which will remain at the instructor's consent. Enrollment Limit: 16. [Cr/NE orP/NP]. Sem 1 CRN 6734 CINE-100-01 Thursday--7:00-9:00 pm Mr. Pingree Module Two CRN 6735 CINE-100-02 Thursday--8:00-10:00 pm Mr. Pingree Module Two

330. Issues in Cinema 4 hours

Advanced study of cinema and culture.  Limit 25.  Prerequisite:  CINE 101 and a Cinematic Traditions course, or two 200-level English 
courses, or consent of the instructor.
Sem 1   CRN 6598   CINE-330-01    M--7:00-10:00pm and TR--3:00-4:15   Staff 

399. Cinema Studies Practicum   1 - 3 hours
This course allows qualified students to pursue independent projects in documentary work and other types of production within the 
collaborative context of a practicum. In order to be admitted to the practicum, students must demonstrate previous production training and 
experience (through Oberlin College production courses, Ex-co courses, or independent internships or employment experiences), submit 
specific and feasible project proposals, and receive permission from the instructor. Students will develop projects in consultation with 
the instructor and work in small groups to provide each other critical and technical support. 
The Practicum can count for one, two, or three hours of credit (depending on the nature of the proposed project) and may be counted towards 
the College's humanities requirement. Students must gain consent of the instructor to be enrolled in the course.
Sem 1   CRN 6719  CINE-399-01   TBA   Mr. Pingree

New Course
201.   Magic and Mystery in the Ancient World	3 hours
First Semester.  This course surveys the evidence for magic and the occult in antiquity, focusing on the traditions of ancient Egypt, 
Greece and Rome.  Topics covered include theoretical approaches to magic, practitioners (witches, sorcerers, and priests), magical objects
(curse tablets, voodoo dolls, and amulets), magical words (spells and prayers), ancient mystery cults, and the interaction between early 
Christianity and magic.  Special attention will be paid to how ancient individuals interacted with the unseen world in their daily lives, 
and when and how they employed the services of professional magicians.   Readings of ancient sources in translation and classroom 
discussion.   Enrollment limit: 55.
Sem 1   CRN 6608   CLAS-201-01   TTH--1:30-2:45  Mr. Wilburn

Cancelled Course
211.  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Identities.
New Course
231.  Comparative Cultural Activism in Theory & Practice   3 hours
      1.5HU, 1.5SS
First Semester.  This course will examine how a wide range of activist/artist/ intellectuals have used performance, visual art and writing 
to provoke, inspire and critique multiple dimensions of racial, gendered and sexualized identities in the US. Includes work by Coco Fusco, 
Marlon Riggs, Toni Cade Bambara, ACT-UP, the Gran Fury Collective and Cherrie Moraga among many others. Students will be ultimately 
responsible for a final group project that raises issues they will collectively choose.  Consent of instructor.  Limit 30.
Sem 1   CRN 6646   CAST-231-01   MW--2:30-4:20  Ms. Hall 

Cancelled Course
358.  Computer Animation.
New Courses
140.  Introduction to Computer Programming     4 hours
      4NS, QPf
First semester.  This course provides an introduction to programming and algorithmic thinking.   It is aimed at students with little or no 
prior programming experience who would like to know how software is developed or who would like to be able to write short programs for data 
manipulation.  It is also useful as preparation for students with no programming experience who want to take the CS150-151 sequence.  No 
Sem 1   CRN 6612   CSCI-140-01   MWF--10:00-10:50 & TH--1:30-4:30   Mr. Geitz

359.  Digital Animation   3 hours
First semester.  This is a programming-based introduction to the theory and practice of 3D digital modeling and computer animation.  Topics 
will include traditional animation techniques such as storyboarding, keyframing and tweening, as well as digital techniques for modeling, 
lighting, tracking and simulation.  Prerequisites: Math 232 and CSCI 151, or consent of the instructor.   Note: CSCI 272 and 280 are helpful
but not required.  Taught in alternate years only. 
Sem 1   CRN 6613   CSCI-359-01   MWF--2:30-3:20   Mr. Geitz

New Courses
150.  Introduction Piano Technology   3 hours
Introductory course in equal temperament tuning theory and application, piano nomenclature, basic piano repairs and modern action regulation. 
Introduction oto piano building materials and an overview of modern piano construction. Combination of lectures and hands-on shop training. 
Consent of instructor required.
Sem 1   CRN 6645   TTh--3:00-5:00   Mr. Cavanaugh

201.  China Tour Preparation   0 - 1 hour
The course will include rehearsals for the China Tour (23 Dec 2005- 3 Jan 2005), as well as three seminars designed to prepare students for 
the various aspects of the tour.  Seminar sessions will be lead by Oberlin faculty members; topics may include cultural differences, 
religious and political differences, and analytical consideration of the music included on the program.  As for other large ensembles, 
grades will be based on preparation and attendance.  Prerequisites:  placement in China Tour orchestra.  Enrollment limit:  70	P/NP; C/NE 
grading only.  Consent of Instructor
Sem 1   CRN 6736   CNST-210-01   TBA ­ day and time   Ms. Reischl   MODULE 2

New Course
273. Western Dance History and Aesthetics 3 hours
First Semester.  This course will trace the historical revolution of Western Theatrical dance from its origins in the courts of 
aristocratic Europe through present-day America and Europe. Along the way, a number of theoretical questions will receive special 
consideration: the definition of dance, the differences between social and theatrical dance, the varied ways in which movement conveys 
meaning, the relationship of dance to the other arts, and the manner in which genres of dance ("ballet", "modern", "post modern") are 
Sem 1     CRN 6540    DANC-273-01   MW-3:00-4:20  Mr. Copeland
Cancelled Courses
132.  Contact Improvisation.
214.  Moving into Community.

Cancelled Course
225.  Political Economy of the European Integration.
New Section
101.  (section 04)Principles of Economics  3 hours
Sem 1   CRN 6631   ECON-101-04   TTh--1:30-2:45   Ms. Koreshkova

226.  Eastern Europe's Transition from Communism to Capitalism  3 hours
First Semester. This course examines transitions of the former socialist states of eastern Europe from planned to market economies using 
basic tools of economic analysis. First, the course describes the underpinnings of a command economy and the problems that led to the 
system's collapse at the end of the 1980's. Second, experiences across countries will examined in order to identify the role that government 
policies and initial conditions played in the economic failures and successes of the transition processes.  Limit: 30. 
Sem 1   CRN 6632   ECON-226-01   TTh--11:00-12:15  Ms. Koreshkova     
New Courses
190. The Poetry of W.B. Yeats  1 hour
An exploration of Yeats's poetic forms through readings and discussions with Department faculty. The course is in preparation for the 
residency of Prof. Helen Vendler (Harvard University) who will give four public lectures and meet with students. No prerequisites. Grading 
CR/NE or P/NP as appropriate. Twice-weekly discussions Oct. 31-Nov. 23; public lectures Nov. 14, 15, 17 (7:30pm), and Nov. 18 (4:30pm).
Enrollment limit: 25
Sem 1   CRN 6638  ENGL-190-01   MW--1:30   Mr. Hobbs

206.  Shakespeare and Philosophy, 3 hours
      3HU, WR
First semester. Including eight Shakespeare plays, the course will examine two kinds of issues. First, we will look at ways in which the 
plays make use of philosophical concerns, in particular drawing on classical traditions of skepticism, cynicism, and stoicism. Second, we 
will consider ethical and epistemological issues in interpreting the plays. British, Pre-1700. D, EL. Prerequisite: See headnote above. 
Enrollment limit: 30.
Sem 1   CRN 6636   ENGL-206-01   MWF--3:30-4:20   Mr. Pierce

254.  Early British American Literature: Race, Gender and the Birth of a Nation, 3 hours
      3HU, WR, CD
First semester. This course will tackle works from early British colonial enterprises in the 17th century to the years just after the 
American Revolution. By critically reading diaries, sermons, etchings, legal transcripts, and novels, we will explore how race and gender 
not only complicated but engendered discourses on national identity, commerce and class, democracy, land and nation. American, pre-1700 OR 
1700-1900 (but not both), AL. Prerequisite: See headnote above. Enrollment limit 30. 
Sem 1   CRN 6637   ENGL-254-01   TTh--1:30-2:45 Ms. Takada

275.  Introduction to Comparative Literature  3 hours
      3HU, CD, WR
First Semester.  Identical to CMPL 200.  For Description, please see "Comparative Literature" in this catalog.  Enrollment limit: 25.
Mr. Deppman

370.  Itineraries of Postmodernism  4 hours
      4HU, CD, WR
First Semester.  Identical to CMPL 374.  For Description, please see "Comparative Literature" in this catalog.  Enrollment limit: 25.
Mr. Deppman
Title Changes
379.  Asian Amercan Literature: Gender & Sexuality  4 hours
      4HU, CD, WR
380.  Race in Twentieth-Century American Texts

385.  Coetzee, Greene, and Rushdie: The Structures of Belief.

433.  Seminar:  Imagining History in Film
Cancelled Courses
208.  Shakespeare & Film.
255.  Nature in Early American Literature.
260.  African American Fiction: Humor & Irony.
400.  (section 01)  Senior Tutorial.

New Courses
215.  Community-Based Forestry 				3 hours
First Semester.  Arising from lessons learned abroad, community-based forestry (CBF) has emerged in the U.S. as an alternative approach to 
rural development and forest management.  CBF integrates the social equity, economic development and ecological health needs of forests and 
the people who depend on them.  This course explores these issues and the underpinnings of community-based forestry by introducing concepts 
of social capital, common property, political ecology, forest policy, adaptive management and environmental justice.  Students will explore 
primary literature and analyze in-depth case studies of CBF projects around the U.S.  Prerequisite:  ENVS 101 or consent of instructor. 
Enrollment limit:  20.
Sem 1   CRN 6639   ENVS-215-01  TTh--1:30-2:45    Ms. Ballard

370.  Non-Timber Forest Products and Forest Management Practices  3 hours
First Semester.  This course focuses on the ecology and management of forests as resources for a variety of non-timber forest products, 
including medicinal plants, food, building materials, cultural uses, and crafts and florals.  Emphasis will be on learning through field 
experiences in local forests and from local landowners, as well as primary literature and case studies from regional and international 
contexts.  Issues of conservation and sustainable development, adaptive management and ethnobotany will build upon fundamental concepts and 
field methods in forest ecology and forest dynamics.  Students may also have the opportunity to expand the activities of a demonstration 
forest on College-owned Jones Farm.  Prerequisite:  BIO 120 and ENVS 101 or consent of instructor.  Enrollment limit:   14.
Sem 1   CRN 6640   ENVS-370-01    M--2:30-4:30; 7:00-8:00 p.m.   Ms. Ballard

Semester Changes
110.  Black Women & Liberation will be offered spring semester 2006.
115.  The Literature of Atlantic Slavery will be offered spring semester 2006.
Cancelled Course
155.  Info Knowledge and the Internet.

New Course
119. Vulcan to Volcano: An Introduction to Volcanism   3 hours
An introduction to volcanoes from ancient myths to modern science.   This class will explore the formation and eruption of volcanoes 
throughout the world, including Vesuvius, Hawaii, Mount St. Helens, and Mt. Pinatubo.  Each volcano features a unique tectonic setting, 
eruptive style, and destructive consequences.  We will examine the eruptions using geologic principles, historical accounts, scientific 
papers, and still/video images. The impacts of volcanism on society from climate alteration to geothermal power to risk mitigation will 
also be discussed. Enrollment limit: 50.
Sem 1   CRN 5818   GEOL-119-01   TTh--11:00-12:15   Ms. Frey

New Course
304. Max Kade German Writer-in-Residence   1 hour
     1HU, CD
First Semester.
"Am Anfang war das Schweigen" - Reading and discussion of selected writings by Mariella Mehr, 2005 Max Kade Writer-in-Residence.
Prerequisite: One 300-level course or equivalent knowledge of German. May be repeaed for major credit.  Enrollment Limit: 20.CR/NE OR P/NP 
Sem 1   CRN 6641   GERM-304-01   Th--7:00-8:30 p.m.   Mariella Mehr

New Courses
112.  Historical Performance in Context: Music of England   1 hour
One of a series of four courses designed to introduce students to a wide range of styles. Each course focuses on the music of a different 
country and will include an overview of the significant repertoire as well as the historical context (art, politics, and society). The 
course will be team-taught by members of the Historical Program and guests.  Consent of the instructor required. Limit: 30
Sem 1   CRN 6604   HPRF-112-01   TBA   David Breitman   MODULE 1

521.  Graduate Studies in Historical Performance   1 - 2 hours
For graduate students in the Historical Performance program. This course constitutes an extension to "Historical Performance in Context" ­ 
HPRF 112­ which is to be taken concurrently. Students will undertake one or two independent research projects relating to the performance 
practice of national repertories, to be designed in collaboration with their applied teacher. May be repeated for credit.  Enrollment limit: 30		
Consent of Instructor.  Letter grade only.
Sem 1   CRN 6737   HPRF-521-01   Thursday and Friday ­ time TBA    David Breitman   MODULE 2

Cancelled Courses
212. Spain In the Age of Empire.
318. History and Memory.
352. Tokugawa Japan, 1600-1868.
New Courses
109 Latin American History- Conquest and Colony   3 hours
    3SS, CD
First Semester.  An introductory survey of Latin American history.  Topics include pre-contact conditions in the Americas, Europe, and 
Africa, the process of conquest, economic, social, and political foundations of the colonial system, similarities and differences between 
the Spanish and Portuguese colonies, evolution of gender and race relations, international competition, and the emergence of independence 
movements.  Enrollment limit: 50
Sem 1   CRN 3726   HIST-109-01   MWF-9:00-9:50   Mr. Hammond

295 Populism in South America and Beyond   3 hours
    3SS, CD, WR
First Semester.  The seminar will explore the meaning of "populism" as it applies to South America in particular, with special attention 
paid to "classic" populism.  The course will focus especially on Argentina, Brazil, and Peru.  We will explore how a variety of sectors and interest groups
participated in or challenged populist movements, and assess the successes and failures of these movements.  Enrollment limit: 30
Sem 1   CRN 6615   HIST-295-01   TTh-11:00-12:15   Mr. Hammond

352.  The City in Japanese History   3 hours
      3SS, CD, WR                                 
This course examines physical and cultural aspects of Japanese cities over time. Ancient cities were based on the Chinese imperial model. I
n medieval times an emerging market economy led to the proliferation of urban sites and the beginnings of a distinctive urban culture. 
Castle towns predominated during the Tokugawa period, complete with a thriving bourgeois culture. In modern times Japan became an industrial
ized society whose intellectual and social character was grounded in an urban base.
Consent of the instructor required. Enrollment limit: 12
Sem 1   CRN 6611   HIST-352-01   W--2:30-4:20   Ms. Gay

New Course
194.  Dialogue and the Politics of Reconciliation: A Case of Israelis and Palestinians  1 hour
The concept of dialogue beckons us to confirm-to say Yes- to the existential reality of our fellow human beings; to say Yes to the presence 
of the Other whose being is irreducible to any particular feature or set of attributes by which he or she may be perceived. To relate to 
another only according to certain perceived or highlighted attributes is to distort the full and untimely unique reality of the other. In 
the short hand of the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber, who developed these insights in what may be called a philosophy of dialogue, when we 
meet the Other in this fashion we invite the Other to respond in kind and to confirm our own existential reality. For Buber, the dialogical 
encounter also had a religious dimension. In responding to the Other dialogically, we also meet G-d.
Our principal text will be Buber's poetic meditation I and Thou. When we turn to the application of the philosophy of dialogue, our main 
text will be a collection of Buber's essays on the Arab-Israeli conflict, A Land of Two Peoples. At the conclusion of our third meeting, 
all registered participants are to submit a short paper, no more than ten pages, reflecting critically on Buber's philosophy of dialogue. 
Cr/Ne - Pass/No Pass grading.

Meeting Times & Dates:
Wilder 101
Sunday, November 6th, 2 lectures, 3-5 pm, 7-9 pm
Monday, November 7th, 1 lecture, 7.30-9.45 pm
Sunday, November 13th, 2 lectures, 3-5 pm, 7-9 pm
Monday, November 14th, 1 lecture, 7.30-9.45 pm

Sem 1   CRN 6642   JWST-194-01	   Ms. Magnus

Revised Courses
110. English as a Second Language I (Elementary level)   2 hours
First Semester. An intensive course designed for new students who are non-native speakers of English and whose experience with the 
English language is limited. The four language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) will be taught simultaneously with special 
emphasis on the acquisition of grammar as well as practice in speaking and writing. Note: Consent of instructor required; enrollment depends
on placement test scores.
Sem 1   CRN 5345   LRNS-110-01   MWF--1:30-2:20   Ms. Miller

111. English as a Second Language II (Intermediate level)   2 hours
First and Second Semester. An intensive course designed to build upon skills developed in LRNS 110 and to increase mastery of the basic 
language skills at the intermediate and upper-intermediate levels. Prerequisite: LRNS 110 or qualification by placement test. Consent of 
instructor required.
Sem 1   CRN 5346   LRNS-111-01   MWF--1:30-2:20   Mr. Arbogast

112. English as a Second Language III (Advanced level)   2 hours
First and Second Semester. An intensive course designed for the advanced student of English as a second language to increase fluency, build 
rich vocabulary, and practice the use and understanding of idiomatic English. This course will focus on the use of English for academic 
purposes and academic writing in particular. Prerequisite: LRNS 111 or qualification by placement test. Consent of instructor required.
Sem 1   CRN 1097   LRNS-112-01   MWF--9:00-9:50   Mr. Arbogast
Cancelled Course
104.  Analytical Reading Skills for the Liberal Arts.

Cancelled Course
343.  Combinatorics.

New Course
373.  Experimental Music & Avant Garde   3 hours
The course concentrates on issues surrounding musical practices that have been understood as "avant-garde" from the early 20th-century to 
the present.  We explore the specific musical techniques and the broader aesthetic  projects of a variety of innovative musical styles 
through close study of  scores, recordings, and readings. We develop a conceptualframework and a  vocabulary appropriate for understanding 
what certain composers of  experimental music have done and why, and how their music is put together and performed. Prerequisite: MUTH 232. Consent of Instructor.
Limit 20.  Consent.
Sem 1   CRN 6603   MUTH-373-01   TTh--11:00-12:15   CBIB  325   Rebecca Leydon
Cancelled Course
375.  The Music of Stravinsky 

New Course
340. Sensory Neuroscience     3 hours
An overview of the neural pathways and specialized receptor systems for the senses of vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, and others.  
We will examine both the transduction of the sensory stimuli and the physiology and function of the regions of the CNS involved with 
receiving and processing sensory information.  Prerequisite of NSCI 201 (The Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience) or NSCI 204 (Human 
Neurobiology). Limited to 20.
Sem 1  CRN 6562     NSCI-340-01      MWF--9:00-9:50      Mr. Myme
New Descriptions/New Instructors
101.	Introduction to Philosophy	3 hours
First and Second Semester. The overall theme of the course concerns the nature and possibility of a uniquely philosophical understanding 
of some aspect of human life.  Through both historical and contemporary texts, we will explore philosophical questions about metaphysics, 
knowledge, freedom of the will, morality and moral obligation, and death.  Historical texts will include works from Plato, Descartes, Kant,
Mill, Sartre, and Montaigne.  Assignments include papers, a midterm, and a final exam.
Enrollment Limit: 33. 
Mr. Bell and Mr. Ganson                                         
Fall MWF 11:00 ­ 11:50 with Jim Bell

120.	Knowledge and Reality	3 hours
First and Second semester. This is an introductory course in philosophy.  Our purpose, however, will not be to introduce ourselves to all 
of the subjects that come under the heading of 'philosophy'.  Instead, we will focus our attention on a host of issues that arise in the 
philosophical study of knowledge (epistemology) and metaphysics.  We will investigate the nature of objectivity and the problem of 
skepticism about our knowledge of the external world.  Then we'll investigate problems such as the relation of mind to the physical world 
(the 'mind/body' problem), personal identity, and free will.  Assignments include papers, a midterm, and a final exam.
Enrollment Limit: 30.
Mr. Bell and Mr. Thomson-Jones                              
Fall TTH 9:35 ­ 10:50 with Jim Bell 

311.	Seminar: Descartes, Locke, and the Origins of Modern Philosophy	3 hours
First Semester.  The Modern era in Western Philosophy begins in the 17th century, with the seminal work of thinkers like Descartes and 
Locke.  Our main goals in this course will be threefold.  First, to identify the philosophical problems that emerge at this time and 
become the central focus of philosophers throughout the modern era to this day.  Second, to ask to what extent these philosophical 
problems arise in response to the scientific revolution.  Third, to attempt to engage with these problems through careful examination 
of the arguments in the texts of Descartes and Locke.  Enrollment Limit: 20.
Mr. Ganson
New Course
335.	Seminar: Reference and Description	   3 hours
First Semester.  An upper-level seminar in the philosophy of language, this course will investigate the contemporary debate around the 
notions of meaning, necessity, and a priority, and their implications for the possibility of conceptual analysis.  The course will be 
structured around Reference and Description by Scott Soames, which describes the debate between descriptivists and direct reference-theorist
s about the meaning of substantive, non-logical terms, and defends the direct-reference view.  We will also read works by Frege, Russell, 
Quine, Kripke, Putnam, Frank Jackson, and David Chalmers, among others.  This course aims to provide an excellent background to current 
debates in the philosophy of language, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and epistemology.   Two long papers will be required.
Sem 1   CRN 6603   PHIL-335-01   M--7:00-9:00p.m.  Mr. Bell			
Cancelled Course
230.  Philosophy of Art.

Cancelled Section
212.  (section 02) Modern Physics lab.
Cancelled Courses
206.  Public Opinion.
304.  Sem: Political Psychology.
New Courses
117.  Comparative Politics of the Middle East and North Africa  3 hours
      3SS, CD
First semester.  Compares governments and societies of regional states, focusing on governmental, political-economic, religious, class and 
cultural homogeneity and heterogeneity, international connections and history to introduce the region's countries.  The course will combine 
an historical with a thematic approach.  Enrollment limit: 20 per section.
Sem 1   CRN 5370   POLT-117-01   TR--11-12:15   Mr. Bolukbasi
Sem 1   CRN 6510   POLT-117-02   TR--3:00-4:15  Mr. Bolukbasi

201. Civic Participation and Urban Governance.    3 hours
First Semester.  The course examines civic participation and governance in diverse, urban areas.  How can we foster a shared sense of 
community, equality and opportunity among different persons?  What is the role of public, private and "third sector" (voluntary) 
organizations in governing our cities?  Students analyze the arguments and data of key authors, and develop coherent arguments of their 
own.  We emphasize regular, critical writing, student-active discussions, and cooperation in small groups to prepare for exams and research
Sem 1   CRN 6621   POLT-206-01   MWF--10:00-10:50   Mr. Yi

260.  Environmental Politics in Comparative Perspective. 3 hours
Environmental politics are different in different countries.  Why? How, and to what extent, can environmentalists in one country learn from 
the experiences of environmentalists in another country?  What explains varying degrees of effectiveness of 'sustainable environment' 
communities in different countries?  Economic affluence is a part of the story; at least as important are institutional design and social 
history, but even these are only starting points.
Sem 1   CRN 6622   MWF--10:00-10:50   Mr. Stuligross

261. Islam and Politics  3 hours
     3SS, CD
First Semester.  Explores the role of Islam in politics, primarily in the Middle East and North African regions.  Focuses on the variety of
understandings of the role of Islam as a religion in the politics of regional states, political parties, movements and conflicts.  Examines 
in particular the rise of Islamism as a mobilizing ideology, and the role and variety of understandings of Jihad in contemporary discourse.
Enrollment limit:  30.
Sem 1   CRN 5378  POLT-261-01 TR--1:30-2:45  Mr. Bolukbasi

306. Seminar: Governing Diversity: Race, Religion and Culture in American Politics.   3 hours 
The seminar examines key cleavages in American politics, from race and class to religion and the "culture" wars.  It analyzes old and new 
sources of collectivist identities, from Christianity to martial arts, and their relations with politics.  It asks how we can politically 
integrate our diverse, unequal, globalizing society.  We focus on the United States, but welcome comparisons to other countries.  Students 
write individual research papers (any topic), with emphasis on sound methodology and collegial critique of each other's drafts.  
Prerequisite: One course in American politics, or consent of instructor.
Sem 1   CRN 6623   POLT-306-01   M--7:00-9:00pm   Mr. Yi

320.  Seminar:  War, State, and Society.  3 hours
What does it mean to say, 'international relations among weak countries'?  Contrary to "realist theory expectations," it appears that 
different states respond differently even when similarly situated in the international political system .  Is it true?  If so, why?  And 
why do they do what they do?  Students will use international relations tools to prepare a substantial piece of research on a 'weak' 
country or regional conflict in which superpowers exercise minimal influence.  Enrolment limit 14.  Juniors and seniors only.
Sem 1   CRN 6624   POLT-320-01   MW--2:30-3:45   Mr. Stuligross

New Courses
214.  Introduction to Christianity                                                                     3 hours
First Semester.  This course presents a topical introduction to the basic tenets and practices of the Christian religion.  Emphasis will 
be placed on sacred texts and their classic expositors, but we shall also deal with some of the ways in which those ideas have been a
ddressed in the face of the changed world of modernity.  Enrollment Limit:  35.
Sem 1   CRN 6626   RELG-214-01   TTh-9:35-10:50   Mr. Chaplin

217.  Christian Thought and Action:  Early and Medieval		        3 hours
First Semester.  A historical study of the Christian tradition from the time of the early Church through the 15th century.  Theological 
issues and the relationship of Christianity to society are considered along with such subjects as the development of the Papacy, saints, 
monasticism, mysticism, worship, popular religious devotion, and the roles of reform, dissent, and heresy.  Enrollment Limit:  35.
Sem 1   CRN 6600   RELG-217-01   MWF-2:30-3:20   Mr. Chaplin

274.	Sufism									       3 hours
	   3HU, CD, WR
First Semester.  Sufism, an Islamic mystical movement emphasizing a personal experience of the Divine, has shaped religious life throughout 
the Muslim world.  Using Sufi texts (such as those of ibn 'Arabi and 'Attar) and ethnographic studies, this course will explore Sufism's I
slamic origins; its expressions in philosophy, literature, music, and the arts; Sufi institutions and practice; the Sufi "saint"; modern 
debates on the nature of Sufism; and Sufism as a global and globalizing phenomenon.  Enrollment Limit: 35.
Sem 1   CRN 6627   RELG-274-01   TTh-3:00-4:15   Mr. Hatcher

276.	Central Asian Islam and the Religions of the Silk Road		       3 hours
	   3HU, CD, WR
First Semester.  Central Asia has long been a crossroads of peoples and ideas, connecting India, China, the Middle East, and the northern 
steppes.  This course explores this region's rich religious history and diversity in three parts:  1) Religions of the ancient Silk Road, 
including Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, Buddhism, Eastern Christianity, and Turkic and Mongol religions.  2) The arrival of Islam and how it transformed and was transformed by this religious environment.  3) The encounter of Central Asian Islam with imperialism and modern ideologies.  Enrollment Limit: 35.
Sem 1   CRN 6633   RELG-276-01   MWF-3:30-4:20   Mr. Hatcher

337.	Seminar:  The Second Sect:  Women in the History of the Christian Tradition      3 hours
       3HU, WR
First Semester.  Though they have often played a central role in Christian life and thought, women have frequently found themselves 
frustrated by the institutions and authorities of that tradition.  Can we speak of a "women's experience" in Christianity?  Through a 
series of case studies, largely though not exclusively drawn from Christianity's first millennium and a half, we shall explore this question, 
along with related issues of bodies, sexuality, and authority.  Consent of instructor required.  Enrollment Limit:  15.
Sem 1   CRN 6629   RELG-337-01   T-7:00-8:50pm   Mr. Chaplin

375.	Seminar:  Faith, Reason, and Heresy in Islamic Theology	       3 hours
       3HU, CD, WR
First Semester.  This seminar explores Islamic perspectives on existential concerns: What are God, Creation, and Humanity?  How should 
Reason shape matters of Faith?  And what if we're wrong?  Topics will include: Qur'anic theology; making heresies and orthodoxies; Islamic 
rational theology (kalam) and philosophy, their influence on Jewish and Christian thought, and the religious challenges to kalam; and modern 
ethical, ecological, feminist, and liberation theologies.  Al-Ghazali, ibn Sina (Avicenna), ibn Taymiyya, and Fazlur Rahman, among others, 
will be read.  Consent of instructor required.  Enrollment Limit: 15. 
Sem 1   CRN 6630   RELG-375-01   W-7:00-8:50pm   Mr. Hatcher

New Course
124.   Unorthodox Russia: Folk Beliefs Then and Now  2 hours
       2 HU 
First semester, first module, September 19-Oct 31 2005 .
What pagan gods were worshipped among the east Slavs before the spread of Orthodoxy? What remains of pagan customs and traditions in modern 
Russian life? Through an interdisciplinary approach to folklore and folk beliefs, this course will survey topics including the following: 
pre-Christian deities and mythical beings; medieval Russian literature; traveling minstrels and the fairy tale tradition; Siberian shamanism; 
contemporary performance of folk music and dance; the rise of a neo-pagan movement in Russia. 
Guest lecturers include Linda Ivanits from the University of Pennsylvania, Francis Butler from the University of Illinois, Marjorie 
Mandelstam Balzer from Georgetown University, Laura Olson from the University of Colorado and Anatol Shmelev from Stanford University.   
CR/NE or P/NP Grading, no prerequisites.
Sem 1   CRN 6647   RUSS-124-01   MW-7:00-9:00pm   Ms. Blasko   Module 1

New Courses
127.  Introduction to Sociology   * THIS COURSE IS MOVED TO SPRING SEMESTER 2006 *
SECOND Semester. The goal of sociology is to offer insights into our social environment, which we often take for granted, to explain the 
social processes that shape our lives. Sociologists address such questions as why are there inequalities; what role does religion play in 
our society; how is technology changing our lives; etc. This course introduces students to these and other topics as well as to the 
dominant theories and methods of the discipline. Enrollment Limit:  45
Sem 2  SOCI-127-01   TTh--8:35-9:50   Staff

348.  Constructing Immigrant Communities   3 hours 	 
First Semester. How and why do immigrant groups create communities? What effects do such communities have on their mobility? How do they 
impact other minorities and nation? How do individuals resist oppression within their own communities? Taking a comparative ethnic approach, 
we will examine these issues. We will pay special attention to how race and class shape community formation, and how communities affect 
others in terms of gender, sexuality, class, and multiculturalism. Prerequisites: At least one sociology course and at least one course 
primarily focused on race relations or immigration. Enrollment Limit: 25
Sem 1   CRN 5964   SOCI-348-01   TTh--1:30-2:45   Staff

450.  Seminar: Race, Gender, Sexuality and Identity        3 hours
	   3SS, CD
First Semester.  This course focuses on major identities in our culture, namely racial, ethnic, gender, and sexual orientation, and the
intersections between them. What are the meanings of these identities and how are they created? How do people choose among identities? 
The subject matter consists of the workplace, global music, individuals' attitudes, social movements, and everyday actions. The course 
will be mostly discussion, with students taking a leading role. Prerequisites: Senior sociology majors only. Consent of instructor required.
Enrollment Limit: 12
Sem 1   CRN 5520   SOCI-450-01   Th--7:00-9:00 p.m.   Staff

Cancelled Course
324.  The Concept of the Avant-Garde.
Course Description Announced
101.  Introduction to Theater Arts   3 hours
This course traces the process by which a work of dramatic literature moves from page to stage. This is a team taught class including the 
entire Theater and Dance faculty. We will focus on all major aspects in which a theatrical production is actualized, with special 
attention on how comprehensive text analysis leads to a concept defining artistic choices. The course will cover design collaboration, an 
overview of both production implementation (sets, costumes and lights) and the rehearsal process (staging, coaching, and stage management), as well as how these 
elements are finally synthesized in performance. (This course is highly recommended for first and second year students planning to take 
THEA 100: Acting 1, offered second semester.)
Instructor: Moser (and Theater faculty/staff) TTh 1 - 2:45
New Course
326. Acting for the Camera   3 hours
     3 HU
Fall Semester. Sanford Meisner said acting is "living truthfully under imaginary circumstances." In weekly on-camera assignments, students 
will explore the particular challenges and opportunities entailed in making vivid acting choices in front of a camera. Work will include
improvisation, scene-work, monologue, and auditions for film and television. Consent of instructor required. Enrollment limit - 12.
Sem 1   CRN 6644   THEA-326-01   MWF--2:30-4:20  Isabel Gillies Harrison