Horsecows at Regionals 2001: The Panoramic Shot

Top row: Kristen "K-Rock" Whittset, "Big" Nic Calabrese, Mike Hamm"ster", Adam "Marvel", Will "Miller", Mike "mKd" Kramer-Duffield, Mateo "tay-tey" Pastore, Mike "deez" Degnan, Ben "longhorns" Gleason, Dan "ToTo" Reeves, Isaac "inkie" Deter-Wolf, Nic "linttrap" Dent, Adam "Chunk" Zucker
Middle row:
James "bait" Burris, Jamie "AWoG", Dan "bart" Scott, Aaron "Barbie" Webber, Steve "wEvil" Weintraub, Bryan "hippie-boy" Woliner, "ultra" Nate Marsh, Robin "Iceman" Walker
Bottom row:
Rich "razz" Raz, Adam "Greeney", Tanner "Chessie" Brooks, Jacob "Czar" Kramer-Duffield

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