

QuAF had the esteemed pleasure of seeing Chevrei Tikva members perform a play about the Purim story that pariodied Harry Potter and adopted melodies from Fiddler on the Roof.

This is the other half of the cast. Notice the lady with the wizard hat and glasses? That is Chevrei Tikva's Rabbi, Rabbi Rembrandt.

This is Haman, the "bad guy" in the Purim story.

On the left is Jonathan, OC '86 who attends Chevrei Tikva regularly and participated in a main role in the musical. On the right is Jan, a newcomer to Chevrei Tikva and starred as the Purim-version of the Professor from Harry Potter.

From left to right: Rick, Barb Margolis, the Liaison between Chevrei Tikva and QuAF, and Ethan. Barb also directed the musical.

On the right is Jan again. On the left is Herschel Potter, the main character in the musical who is afraid to tell anyone that he is Jewish, much like queer people are often afraid to tell other people about their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.