Queer Shabbat

Ethan Bair '03, chair of LGBTJew and active member of QuAF, was an integral part of the planning of Queer Shabbat.

Chanel Dubofsky, Staff Intern for Hillel, was also an integral part of planning and leading Queer Shabbat.

Andy Campbell '04 read from Kate Bornstein's My Gender Workbook during the Queer Shabbat service.

Becca Schlichtig '06 read a poem from Leslea Newman during the service.


Isaac Evans-Frantz '06 read a portion of Scripture about the love between Jonathan and David.

Ben Feinberg '06 and Shelley Irvin '05 both did not attend Queer Shabbat, but Ben played a role in the planning. Shelley, on the other hand, was accompanying Ben at the time this picture was taken. Besides, don't they look so cute together?