Due to midterms, there will be no issue published on October 21st. The next issue of the Review will be published November 4th.
Nov. 8 ballot issues may change Ohio politics
By Brian Pugh
In November, Oberlin voters will have to decide on a series of ballot items
to change Ohio’s state constitution, presented by the political action
group Reform Ohio Now.
Mudd staff responds to thefts
By Gabriele Johnson
Mudd Library staff took an unprecedented move in an attempt to combat the recent series of backpack thefts in the library.
Also in news:
Union Street gas line installation delayed
Author rips Obies and Clintons
Obie returns from Iraq war
Unionized Wal-Mart in Oberlin?
Safer Sex Night to return with some new tricks
Student volunteers seek more aid for Jones Farm
Social life settles down in Union St.
Students strive to revamp Lorain County Transit
Science: Mathematics + Biology = ?
Off the Cuff: Gina Fusco
This Week in Oberlin History: The LiveJournal of the 1890’s
Field hockey continues winning ways
By Michael Mullalay
It is a euphoric time to be an Oberlin field hockey player and/or fan.
OCXC runs amuck
By Julia Rossi
On Oct. 7, the Oberlin men’s and women’s cross country teams
traveled to Delaware, Ohio to compete in the Division III branch of The All-Ohio Championships.
Also in sports:
Yeo-women soccer in rut
Yeomen neuter Hiram Terriers 4-0
Volleyball strives to regain winning ways
Football gets trampled on road by Little Giants
In the Locker Room With Deb Ranier
Convocation continues with Persepolis author
By Erica Tempesta
On Monday, a throng of Oberlin residents and students filled Finney Chapel to
see an unusual convocation speaker: Marjane Satrapi, an Iranian graphic
novelist, best known for her first book, Persepolis.
Cat Power lacks charge in ’Sco gig
By Joshua Keating
One convenient thing for a writer reviewing a Cat Power performance is that you pretty much know exactly what to expect.
Also in arts:
Stillwater starts with a bang
Print master shares craft
Bakkens come better in twos
Obie hobo plays the banjo for Obie bohos
Trombone alumnus goes international
Short Cuts: DVDs from the dark side, Milestone revisited
Wanton Distraction:
Sound off: From fun with zombies to impending doom
O Style: Finding function in formlessness
Editorial: Committee roles must be clarified