Search for deans grows complicated
By Douglass Dowty, Josh Keating and Milena Evtimova
Dean candidate Ramon Gutierrez left campus indignant this week after he was informed that two faculty liaison administrators may be cut from the Dean of the College’s office or shared with the Office of the Provost.
London return: College goal
By Douglass Dowty
Perceptions of ballooning cost overruns and a $400,000 discrepancy over the budget the Danenberg-in-London program have dominated negotiations between the program’s faculty committee and the administration during the past weeks.
Also in news:
Neo-conservative lectures
Referendum opens
College to remove asbestos
Big Parade gets even bigger
Da Vinci Code dissected by visiting professor
Fair housing ordinance reaches 40 year mark
The great American novel
Off the Cuff: Dan Styer
Yeo-batters snag first conference win over Hiram
By Sam Vanderpol
Oberlin baseball has been unable to maintain any momentum since beating Lake Erie College 9-3 last week.
Poor shooting holds back men’s golf at Wooster
By Kimberley Meinert
It is a little more than halfway through the season and Oberlin baseball has experienced a rocky first half.
Also in sports:
All-Ohio meet a success for track and field
In the Locker Room With 3/8 of the golf team
Men’s lacrosse defense steps up agains Keuka
Yeo-laxers let wins escape
Softball finds offensive gear
Horsecows’ rivalry with OU explodes at sectionals
Tennis teams lose to Denison in NCAC matches
Outside Oberlin
Chamber Orchestra to perform in Cleveland
By Michael Sakir
Thursday evening, the Oberlin Chamber Orchestra performed works by Debussy, Mussorgsky and Stravinsky in Finney Chapel.
Good music doesn’t mean good crowds
By Alanna Dancis
Despite the cloud put on the Danenberg Honors Recital by the mandatory attendance policy (and ironically, the somewhat poor attendance), the musicians on stage showed the true range and talent of the Conservatory student body.
Also in arts:
A LARGE CRITIC w/ Pete Chambers
Record review: Rob Thomas’ Something to Be
How we see it... Oberlin through the eyes of High School students
Editorial: Dye urged to heal rift now