Referendum causes discord in senate
By Josh Keating
After a contentious late-night session on Wednesday that one senator walked out of in frustration, Student Senate finally approved the 12 questions for the referendum, which was sent out yesterday and includes the controversial topics of divestment and confidence in College President Nancy Dye.
First-year student statistics released
By Maxine Kaplan
According to the 2004 Survey of American Freshman, Obies, compared to
our peer schools, are more likely “to be searching for meaning and purpose
in life; to engage in self-reflection; to have come late to class in high
school; to aspire towards writing original works, creating artistic
work...influencing social values and political structures and improving
understanding of other countries and cultures.”
Also in news:
Black-Queer conference held
Obies demand divestment
ABC News analyst talks politics
Sudan story shared
A/PA celebrates heritage
Alumnus Cook shares recipe on “fixing food”
Off the Cuff: David Stull
Yeomen collect much needed win at the Jake
By Sam Vanderpol
Oberlin College baseball has had a rather uneventful week because of the weather.
Tennis completes winning season
By Kaitlin Barrer
This past week, the tennis men and women trekked to the gentle hills of Denison University to unite with other 18 through 22 year olds in heated North Coast Athletic Conference championship competition.
Also in sports:
Softball struggles continue
Women’s lacrosse in need of confidence
Men’s lacrosse still trying to gain consistency
Table tennis to become official OC club sport
Oberlin College water polo continues to succeed
In the Locker Room With Josh Frenkel
OC golf finishes 13th at the Ohio Wesleyan Invite
Famed composer Birtwistle to visit
By Michael Sakir
Sir Harrison Birtwistle, one of the most prominent British composers in the contemporary music scene, will visit Oberlin next week.
Seniors get Candid in art show
By Alicia Eler
Robynn Europe and Kate Reeder’s show Candid at Fisher Hall
brought in crowds of art fanatics from all over Oberlin this past Friday.
Also in arts:
Community raises $2,000 for Heart Association
A LARGE CRITIC w/ Pete Chambers
Apollo’s Fire flames in Finney
Ginko Gallery sells student crafts
Splendor of Ruins resplendent in Allen
Coprse to find life in Warner
Editorial: Town-gown: everyone’s concern
Insider Edition by Faith Richards: Galactic poll explains Review