Oberlin prepares for Wal-Mart
By Emma Dumain and Milena Evtimova
The town of Oberlin is home to Kendall and the Apollo, the Big Parade and the
Farmers’ Market, flower-filled springs and snowbound winters.
Feasibility of wind power to be tested
By Jamie Hansen
The city of Oberlin and Oberlin College took a joint step forward in pioneering green energy use at Monday’s city council meeting.
Also in news:
Dye presidency at crossroads
Commencement: behind the scenes
Search for dean marches on
Eco-purchasing committee to aid in College sustainability
MENA studies in the works
The missing link: Cubans and Vietnamese in the US
Off the Cuff: Betsy Bruce
Baseball heats up, victorious in 5 of last 6 games
By Sam Vanderpol
Since the Yeomen’s 7-3 win at Jacobs field, things have seemed to turn around for Oberlin College baseball.
OC student named NCAC sprinter of the year
By Rachel Welsh
The Oberlin Yeowomen truly excelled in the NCAC track and field championships last Saturday.
Also in sports:
OC golf places 8th in championship
In the Locker Room With Steve Lind
Yeo-laxers start strong against Kenyon but fizzle
Wittenberg offense too fierce for Yeo-batters
Women’s lacrosse closes season against Wooster
Rugby finishes winning season at Teapot Dome
Collegium makes sixteenth century sublime
By Benjamin Katz
On Friday April 29, a full house assembled in Fairchild Chapel to witness the sublime art of five Renaissance music masters.
No, I Don’t Play Football falls short
By Alicia Eler
The first thing I saw when I walked into Fisher Gallery was the frame of a giant wooden box.
Also in arts:
A LARGE CRITIC w/ Pete Chambers
Birtwistle performed in Finney
Dancers end semester strong
Jim Dine’s drawings are a feast for eyes in Allen
Editorial: Hands off our professors
Live From the Library by Grace Hammond: Law and order (of libraries)